Chapter 13

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Astrid's POV

I woke up to see Loki sleeping in the chair beside my bed. He was still holding my hand and looked to be in a very awkward position. I started to get up to go shower to get ready for the day. 

'He stayed there all night, and in the chair nonetheless.' The new voice said. She has become more prominent in my mind over the last few days. 

'Stay out of my head. I do not want to speak to you.' I pushed her back and continued to go get ready. I stepped out of the shower and began to get ready for the day. Once I put on my silver and blue dress in preparation for the Vanaheim visitors. I walked back into my room and Loki was now on the bed sleeping so peacefully. 

I went into his mind to see what he was thinking about. 

'I thought it was mutual not to go into each other heads?' Loki asked walking up to me. I shrugged. 

'You are just so peaceful, and I am pretty sure it has been the first time in a long time you have. What is going on in this beautiful mind of yours?' I asked, grabbing his hand. He looked at me shocked but gave me a small smile. 

'Nightmares. I do not sleep anymore. My body is still recovering from those months in the dungeons. It was not pretty down there.' I looked up at him sadly. 

'I am going to leave you now, you can rest in here as it seems it makes you more comfortable. I have to go finish getting ready for the meeting.' I gave him a little hug and was ready to leave.

'Just wait for me. I have to be at that meeting.' I nodded and left his mind sad. He cannot know the secret of how he got out of the cell. He cannot know I tied my life to his.

I sat down at the vanity and put on some light natural-looking makeup. Once I was finished with my hair and makeup Loki stirred and got up.

'You're not supposed to go into my head, Princess.' I stared at him through the mirror and shrugged.

"You do it to me. Now get ready. And Loki? This stays between us." He nodded and did his magic thing and he was wearing his nice robes.

"Make yourself invisible, so we can leave the room together. Your room isn't even down this hall. So we must pretend." I stated getting ready to open the door.

"You do look beautiful princess. You've had a rough week but you are so strong." I smiled and squeezed his hand. I felt a tingle run up my arm and smiled internally.

'He won't be able to help you.' I pushed the voice back. What was that supposed to mean? Once we turned a corner, Loki had come up behind me. 

"Good morning, princess. I hope you had a good sleep." I looked at him and his eyes moved towards the guard who was right there. 

"It was cut short, but overall not terrible. You heading down to breakfast before the big meeting with the visitors from Vanaheim?" He nodded and we walked to the great hall. Once we got there, we saw mostly everyone there. 

"HEYYYYY! It's the party girl! You got intense last night." Fandral exclaimed once he saw me. I smiled slightly, then took my seat next to Thor. 

"Now that everyone is here, we have important matters to discuss. Today we have visitors from Vanaheim to discuss important business matters. Make sure you treat them with the utmost respect." Odin said powerfully to get everyone to listen. I rolled my eyes and stared at the Warriors Three who were all giggling to each other. We all ate in silence and once breakfast was finished everyone dispersed. 

"Astrid, Loki, Thor, you three stay. I must speak with you before the visitors arrive." we nodded and stood in front of his throne. 

"What is this meeting today about, Father?" Thor asked Odin. Odin looked at me sadly. 

"Astrid, actually." Both boys turned to look at me and I just shrugged.

"Ah. Here they come now. Earlier than expected. I was hoping to brief you three quickly. It will be a shock." We turned towards the door and I saw two people who seemed very familiar.

'We know them. Let me out Astrid! I wanna talk to them!!!' I shook my head and looked at Loki. He put his hand on my shoulder and made me look deep into his green eyes.

"So nice of you to join us on this beautiful day. Thor, Loki, and Astrid please meet King Eirik and Queen Ingrid of Vanaheim." We all bowed but I got a good look at the queen and started seeing similarities.

"Over the past 1300 years, we have been at war. Odin and the Asgardian army came to our rescue. We had signed a Treaty between us. The Treaty was so if either Vanaheim or Asgard was in need of help the other would be obliged to help. At the time this war with the Dark Elves started, the Treaty was newly signed; we were so grateful for Odin and the army to come to us in aid." King Eirik begun to tell the story. But I had this feeling in my stomach that I knew where this was going. I was starting to panic.

"The Queen and I just began to raise our child." I looked up to the King and Queen as they both looked to me.

"No." I whispered shaking my head.

"After a considerable time fighting the Dark Elves, whilst the Queen and our child were in hiding. We sent the child with Odin to protect them. The Dark Elves want to rule Vanaheim, but for that to happen all heirs need to be eliminated. Right before Odin took the child back to Asgard, we made the deal to give the child an immense amount of power which will only be available on their birthday." I was looking at Loki.

'Let me in. Let me help you. Your mind is a war zone, Princess.' I nodded and broke down the barrier.

"But today the day has come to retrieve the child and take them back to Vanaheim." I shook my head and looked at Odin.

'Let me out Astrid. I swear to Hel I will bring the world down on them. LET ME OUT!' I looked at Loki sadly, I can't keep her down. After I let the new voice out. I felt something change.

"You. And you. And you!" I pointed to King Eirik, Queen Ingrid, and Odin. I felt so much power rush to my fingertips.

"You two had no right to just hand me off and then keep it hidden from me for 1300 years! And you Odin, Almighty one, you treated me as your own even though you knew I wasn't yours! You and Frigga both treated me like I was your own! You both lied to me, you trained me in both magic and combat because you had too! I am not even worthy of the crown!" I was so mad, I felt so much energy around me

"Loki, calm her down!" Thor yelled while I was surrounding myself in my newfound energy.


"TAKE IT OUTSIDE ASTRID!" Odin yelled loud enough for me to hear, I made my way outside and kept getting stronger and stronger.

"YOU, THOR HAVE NO RIGHT TO EVEN BE HERE AFTER WHAT YOU DID TO ME! YOU USED ME THEN DITCHED ME FOR SIF! AND YOU LOKI! IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY TO ME SPEAK UP BEFORE I AM GONE!" I was so untouchable and so strong. After that, I exploded. Literally, I mean not into pieces but exploded into a ball of energy. The energy could no longer be contained. I know that Loki tried to contain the energy in a magic cage but it overthrew him.

Then everything went black.

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