Chapter 9

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Years ago...
Third POV

On Astrids 5th Earth birthday, Odin and the boys decided to start a tradition. As she was new and missed her home.

In the Throne Room. Stood Odin, Frigga, Loki, and Thor as Astrid was brought in the four decided to sing her Happy Birthday in Asgardian. Then proceed to shower her with gifts.
"Here Lady Astrid. This one is from me." Little 6 year old Thor said. He had gifted her with a forever Asgardian rose. The Asgardian rose, lived for an eternity, the one he gifted her was a gold rose. She gasped and smiled at him.

"Thank you so much Prince Thor." Astrid was very polite for her age. Odin and Frigga smiled as they watched the three kids.

"Lady Astrid, this is from me. I've been practicing." Little 5 year old Loki said confidently. He gave her the box and in it was a beautiful little friendship bracelet formed from magic. It was specifically made for her, so the bracelet will grow with her. She didn't have to wear it all the time. It was a shimmering silver with blue crystals. Astrid looked at him with so much love and care that day. She jumped on him to give him a hug.

"Loki, this is the bestest gift. You're going to have to teach me how you did it!" She hugged him so tightly. She saw him glance at Frigga and smiled.

"Now my dear this last one, for now, is from Frigga and myself. We need you to close your eyes while we take you there." Astrid nodded hoping it was great. She shut her eyes and kept them shut as Odin picked her up and carried her to the stables. He placed her nicely on the ground.

"Astrid, open your eyes." She did as he said and gasped. She stood in front of a pure silver pony.

"Is She mine?" She said, barely above a whisper. Astrid was in pure awe. Odin nodded.

"You will take good care of her, and she does need a name." Astrid smiled at Odin and gave him the biggest hug. Now this hit Odin different. He had always wanted a daughter, but never had one. Now that he was taking care of Astrid, he was able to have a daughter.

"I want to name her Empress." Being only 5, her s' sounded like sh.


Astrids POV

I looked up at Loki, who was towering over me. He got closer than normal.

"Loki.." I whispered. I knew deep down I  really liked Loki. Way more than Thor. But after Loki did all the bad stuff in Midgard. And after he served his punishment, he changed. Even now, he is different.

"Look me in the eye, and tell me you don't want me." He got really close, I could feel his breath on my face. My breathing hitched.

"Please... I just got out of a courting. I am fragile and doing this would be using you as a rebound. And I just can't. Plus you're my bestfriend, and you lied to me. You're just different overall lately." I said pushing him away.

"Different lately?" I sighed and looked up at him sadly.

"New York. You've been different since then. You have been more distant but so close at the same time. This is not you. So if you may excuse me, I believe Empress is in need of some company." I left him standing there. I felt his eyes burn holes into my mind but I just kept walking.

After riding for a bit, it was time to get changed, again. But this time was for tradition. I got dressed in a knee length blue dress with silver at the bottom. I put on the friendship bracelet that Loki got me when we were 5 and I looked at the rose Thor got me. I started walking to the Throne Room when it hit me.
Frigga won't be there. For the first time.

"Ah Astrid! You are here!" Odin said surprised.

"I know it's been a crazy few days. But it's tradition." I replied sadly. I was sad, Frigga was a mother figure to me.

The boys sung happy birthday in Asgardian as per tradition. Then it was the first round of gifts I would receive today.

"Astrid, I know we've had a rough few days, and I had got this before we started courting. When we were friends. I hope you like it." He looked sad and his eyes were a little puffy. He handed me the package and I opened it to a sword with a longer handle.

"It's your own weapon, when you start to fight it becomes the double ended spear." It was made from Asgardian iron and silver. It was beautiful. I looked up to Thor and smiled.

"I thank you, Prince Thor. This is great." I teased. Loki, Thor and I all get called Prince or princess. But I prefer Lady if I need to be called by a title. He smiled back at me.

"That means me next. Lady Astrid, this is just for you. I've been practicing." He smirked and gave me a wink. He's been saying that for years now. I opened the gift and it was a note. I looked at him and he just smiled. So I read it.

Dear Astrid, I know this isn't normal for me to write a letter or note, but I got you something way better than a materialistic gift. I would like to show you myself afterwards, if you'd allow it. If not I will tell you how to get there.
Happy birthday Princess

Xx Loki

I finished reading it and smiled at him and nodded. Then Odin stood up and out his hand on my shoulder.

"I have two gifts for you this year my dear. You can decide if you want both right now or one now and one later this evening." I nodded and thought about it.

"One now, one later works fine." Odin nodded. He never wanted me to call him Father just Odin. He retrieved the one gift, probably a little sentimental. I saw his eyes get watery.

"It's been a crazy and unforgettable year. My one true love, Frigga, was going to give this to you for your birthday but as she is not longer with us, it will be my honor to." He smiled sadly, and with a heavy heart I opened the box, to find her crown. I was speechless. I just stared at it in awe, and looked at Odin who just nodded.

"It is customary for a royal women to achieve her crown when she turns 21 in Midgard years. I understand she thought of you as her own daughter and wanted you to have her crown. Now I've taken the liberty to add your own flare to it. I've added small blue crystals throughout the crown. I hope you'll wear it tonight." I had no words and just nodded.

"I can put it on you now, for fit." He smiled. I nodded and he grabbed it from the box and placed it gently on my head. He sat back down and smiled at me.

"You look like a true princess, my dear." I smiled sadly. It is an.absolute honor wearing Frigga's crown. I turned around to see the boys just standing there. Awkwardly. I nodded to Loki, and he knelt before me not soon after Thor was kneeling.

"Alright, stop it. You know how I feel about it." They chuckled and that was the ending of this year's tradition.

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