Chapter 6

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...The next day...

Astrid's POV

'Loki, what is going on?' I was still unconscience, but I was in this in-between stage. 

'How are you feeling. You have been sleeping since the necklace was put on you.' 

'I am so drained, I have been fighting with the new voice non stop. I am struggling, but I need to wake up. How is the wound?' i questioned. I need to wake up, my birthday is tomorrow. 

'You are okay, wake up!' I am done struggling with this voice. 

'Who are you?' I just want to know who I am battling. 

'I am the other half of you, they like to push down. Wake up. Know who I am!' I opened my eyes and groaned. 

"Hey, take it easy. You have been through a lot, but your wounds have healed mostly. You should feel discomfort for the next day or two." I nodded at Elsa and began to sit up. 

"Here, let me help you." Thor came to my aid before Loki did. Something is not right here. I stood up and walked to the mirror. 

"You still look drop dead gorgeous Astrid." I shook my head and tried to find something. I closed my eyes. 

'Open your eyes Astrid. Let's show them who you really are.' 

"What is the matter? Everything okay?" I heard Loki's voice behind me, I was trying to figure out what to do. I opened my eyes to see them a new color. I made eye contact with Loki and shut my eyes again. I rubbed my eyes and when I opened they were back to their icy gray tone. 

"I am so hungry, let's go to the dining hall," I said as I begin to avoid Loki. He'll only ask questions. At least Thor did not see. 

'What was that?' I just looked away from him. Phase 1 of attempting to ignore my best friend has commenced. 

"Both of you can stand outside while I get dressed." They nodded and stepped out. I put on a pale blue floor-length dress with spaghetti straps. There were not many jewels on it, just a plain dress. I brushed my hair, then stood in front of the mirror again. I blinked and my eyes changed to a piercing ice blue. I blinked and they went back to normal. 

"Let's go." I said after I opened the chamber door and started walking to the chamber.

"I see you're awake and all well. I guess that means I'm off the hook." Sif. I turned around and marched right up to her.

"I was told I get to make your punishment once I woke up. So you be careful. Because I will be thinking long and hard about what that is." I looked her dead in the eye. She looked scared.

"What are you gonna do?" I think her lip quivered. I shrugged and turned around. I'm not known for being snarky or cold. I don't know where this new attitude is coming from.

'You know exactly where it's coming from.' I sighed and kept walking with my head held high.

"Bit harsh Astrid, don't you think." Thor, Loki, me, and Sif all grew up together. So it took me by surprise when Thor said it. He always turned a blind eye to the bullying Sif did to me.

"The bitch had it coming. For years, I have been in her shadows. For years you turned a blind eye to what she did to me, I actually belie-" I was cut off.

"Astrid, relax. Think about what you're going to say." Loki made me turn. I scoffed and turned back to face Thor.

"I actually believe you enjoyed knowing what she did to me! All of her bullying. You just looked away." I snapped coldly. But nothing I would've said would have prepared me for this.

"Because you were always able to take care of yourself. You're just my dumb little sister with anxiety." His eyes widened, and thats when it clicked.

"Dumb little sister? What's with this ring?" I started to take it off.

"That night, I was going to break up with you..because I should have never courted you. You were just a rebound." I stood there, mouth open.

"I see. Well here you go. Take my heart with you. And now I must go away from you." I said quietly, as I began walking to the dining hall. I held my head high.

"Astrid, are you okay?" Loki touched my arm, but I flinched away.

"No. Leave me alone. I am to go in there and sit quietly. Then I am going to retreat to the garden, then bed because it is my birthday tomorrow. And for the last time, please stay out of my head. I will not be so nice next time." I pulled my arm back and walked to my spot. Next to Thor.

"Look Astrid. I am sorry." I shook my head ignoring everyone.

'You're all alone. I am here to help you. I am you Astrid.' I pushed it back. I could not handle anymore.

I grabbed my food in silence. This is what everyone was used to. Me being quiet, but there was a difference. This was an eerie quiet. For those who are aware of what happened earlier, understand. But everyone else is just trying to get through the main course.

"Good evening, I would like to say a brief word." Odin hit his staff and gained everyone's attention. He then made eye contact with me.

"We are pleased to announce the return of Lady Astrid to our table. With the hard work Elsa put in, she survived. We are also pleased to announce that the birthday of Lady Astrid will continue as planned. Tomorrow. Enjoy." I sighed and nodded. Everyone whispered about why I was so quiet, I could hear it, clear as day.

After I lost my appetite I raised my hand, like a little girl.

"Allfather, may I retreat for the evening. I am still recovering." I Sled in the most polite manner ever. He nodded and I left.

I walked to the garden, where I sat staring at the stars. It was an exhausting day so I didn't stay very long. But I did decide to go down to Heimdall for a visit.

"Ah, Lady Astrid. It has been a while. Did you bring me tea?" I nodded and gave it to him.

"I apologize for everything today. You deserved better." I shook my head.

"Please, I don't want pity or concern."

'We want revenge.'

"Are you sure you are okay, Lady Astrid? You seem different." He knows. Of course he knows.

"What do you see?" He briefly turned to look at me.

"I see a girl who needs rest. Go back up to the palace, sleep as tomorrow Is a busy day." I nodded.

"Please keep it to yourself. Loki had been pestering me all day. I do not understand what is happening to me, or who it is." I asked, I never ask much. He nodded and I proceeded back to my chambers for a well needed sleep.
Ironic, I slept for like a whole day.

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