Chapter 10

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Astrid's POV

I walked out of the Throne Room with a crown on my head and Loki by my side. He was taking me somewhere as a part of my gift.

"I know I've been different lately. The Tesseract did a real number on me. Will you ever tell me what you bargained when you got me out of the cell?"

"It wasn't much of a bargain. But more of an agreement. I know it's not your fault you changed. Giving into the tesseract was the worst thing you could have ever done. The agreement will all come in due time. Now, where are you taking me?" I replied. I am not sure if the agreement will ever happen. We've been wandering for a while.

"I know the garden was your secret place, and I should not have followed you there the other night. So I've decided to create something for you, that will be yours only, well I'll.have access but I won't be going in unless you allow it." I smiled at him. He's always known about this one specific place I loved other than the garden.

"Now you just walk in" I walked into the abyss, I found the beautiful pond with a fountain in the middle.

"Loki you can come in." He walked in behind me, and I gave him the biggest hug. His arms snaked around my waist and mine above his shoulders, he squeezed me during the hug. I realized the hug was longer than anticipated, so I started to back up, but his hands lingered on my waist.

"Loki, we cannot do this." I stated coldly. I back away from him and sat down.


'You tell him why.' I groaned and stood up.

"Because I loved you! I wanted you to court me. I wanted to be engaged to you! But you chose New York and the Tesseract over me. Your bestfriend for as long as I remember. You don't even remember some of the moments we had because you were under the control from the Tesseract. You were power hungry because good ol Thor was first in line! So fucking what! I will never have a Throne. I sacrificed so much for you Loki! But you chose ruling Midgard over me!" I yelled it, I screamed it. I did not care who heard me. I was livid. I stared coldly at Loki as he sighed.

"I didn't know." I chuckled.

"Of course you didn't know. Why would you? Because I was able to keep you out of my head and hide all my love for you. Then you left me for New York. I was stuck here, hoping it was all a dream. Then you came back and Odin put you in that cell. And you are still not the same person as before. You revenge hungry bastard!" I was so angry, and I think I was crying.

"Astrid, breathe. Come here." I shook my head.

"I am not coming to you. I am serious. I loved you. And now it has come to my attention you hold strong feelings for me. But now you have to work harder than any Asgardian in Asgard, because I have lots of potential suitors who would love to even talk to me! So stay away from me, please. I cannot take another heartbreak." I sighed and left the pond. I made my way back into the palace and went straight to my room. It looked to be about 3 o'clock. I heard a knock at the door.

"If you are not my chambermaids or Elsa, go away." I said back to the knocker.

"It's me, Old guy." Ah Fandral.

"Go away, I do not want visitors." I heard a sigh through the door.

I got into the bath and washed myself up. I used the coconut mint shampoo and conditioner in my hair and the rose body wash on my body. I stepped out of the bath and wrapped the luxurious towel around my body to dry. I then made my way into my walk in closet.

'I need the perfect dress.' I thought to myself.
'Let me choose.' The new voice stated. I sighed and we went about choosing a dress. I smiled at the choice.

It was a floor length, body hugging silver dress with a blue fade near the bottom. I put it on and was so pleased with myself. I paired it with some sparkly blue heels. By now the chambermaids have joined and were hard at work doing my hair and makeup.

After they finished, I looked stunning. Paired with dress and heels with the curled hair with mini braids throughout it and diamonds swirled into it. My makeup was a beautiful smoky eye showcasing silver. I put on my bubblegum pink lipstick and winked. We are ready.

"Oh princess, we forgot jewelery. I was think the asgardian diamond set?" Inga asked, I nodded. I didn't want to wear anything from Loki or Thor. After the jewelry went on, I sighed and awaited the royal guard who will escort me to the ball room. I am not the only person who gets big birthday parties, Thor and Loki get them too. Mine are just more extravagant because I am a girl.

"Princess Astrid, you look beautiful." I rolled my eyes. Flattery will get the guard nowhere. I forgot something and went back into the room.

"My crown please." Can't forget this.
I walked with the guards down the hallways leading to the ball room. I could hear distant laughter and conversations. I don't know who would all be here this year. I waited at the door to be announced.

"Lady Astrid, Princess of Asgard." The announcer exclaimed, then the doors opened and everyone snapped their heads towards the door. I walked in with grace and poise, I saw Odin, Thor and Loki at the end of the aisle. The aisle was split in two after I was announced and all the little children were waiting on the side to catch a glimpse of me. I saw these two girls smiling and looking up to me, I smiled back and they gave little squeals. After I made it to the front, Odin bowed his head.

"Our dearest Astrid, we give you the crown to where high on your head. Wear it with pride." I smiled and bowed to him.

The crowd clapped and cheered. The party mingled for a bit before the dinner was served.

I hope this goes well.

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