Chapter 27

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Astrids POV

After a while of watching movies with Thor, there was a knock at the door.

"Love, may I enter?" I shot my head towards the door, to see a sheepish Loki standing in the doorway with a basket. I nodded and motioned for him to enter.

"Thor it's okay, you can go." He nodded and left.

"I apologize Princess, I've realized my actions were not proper for the situation. I believe you are owed an explanation. I was never around for a few days because I believed that you and Thor were soul mates and I never ever had a chance. I am sorry for what I said downstairs, I did not mean any of it. So in hopes of forgiveness, I have in the basket items that should bring you comfort. And I hope you will forgive me for my arrogance." He was blushing. That was so sweet.

"Come here then. I forgive you my prince." He smiled and pretty much hopped onto the bed.

"So first off, since we do not have any of this stuff on Asgard, I had to rely on Steve's intelligence on the matters. I have here, a dark chocolate bar with a nut of sorts, I also have this candle called forest; because I know how much you love the forest back home, I also have this really soft and plushy blanket, and to top it all off; me to cuddle and make you feel better." It was so cute to see how much he tried.

"Oh my Odin! Loki, this is perfect. Come, join me whilst we watch this movie called beauty and the beast." I said moving over a little bit so he can join me. He got in and I let him go comfy before I got comfy.

"I'm sorry for my attitude, I can't help it sometimes during this time. Nor do I understand why I get this. It feels like a burden, it makes me feel like burden. BecUse I literally cannot do anythung; especially now when everyone wants to lock me up. Thank you by the way, I appreciate you standing up for me." He looked taken back.

"Thoughts are loud. I can hear them from Steve and Tony. It's almost enhanced during this time." He nodded and we continued to watch the movie. He kept his arm around me as I lay on his chest listening to his heartbeat. He kept rubbing my arm in a soothing fashion. 

"It is okay to fall asleep dearest, I will make sure nothing harms you." I nodded and let myself fall asleep during the scene where the beast sings his song. 

I am not sure when I woke back up, but I know that Loki had left a really good illusion, probably one that is continuously draining his magic source. As soon as I propped myself up, the illusion flickered the slightest amount that it would be unseeable to anyone else. 

"You think you can fool me, Loki?" I whispered sadly. That means he left. I just turned over after I got rid of his illusion. I just scrolled through the mobile device that Tony had given us Asgardians for our stay. Peter has been helping me get on all social media, so I was just mindlessly scrolling through it. 

I curled up with a stuffed animal I conjured of my favourite animal from my time on Midgard, it happened to be a polar bear, I hadn't seen one yet but they look so fluffy and adorable. I just lay there curled up and just cried. 

"Are you crying?" I sniffled and shook my head. 

"Darling, why are you crying?" I felt the bed sink and then arms around me to roll me over. I just used some force to stay put. 

"Astrid, stop fighting me and just roll over." I shook my head and just kept my ground all curled up and kept hugging my stuffed animal. I knew exactly why I was crying, but I did not want to be a burden to anyone. I was not fit to be a princess of Asgard or Vanaheim, I was not meant to be a queen or a warrior. It would be better if I just let Ragna take over for good. 

"Astrid, it would not be better." I turned around so fast. 

"Stay out of my head, Loki. You know the rules." I snapped. He just hardened his stare. 

"Those rules are invalid when you are in clear distress. Plus it wasn't that hard to break down those barriers anyways." I stood up and just looked at him in pure shock. 

"rules are invalid? Distress? I am not in distress, I am sad and on my fucking moon time Loki. You do not have the right to break those barriers down anyways, they are supposed to keep you out!" I started to yell. 

"Keep me out? I taught you how to put those up to protect yourself from people with these abilities. People like -" 

"People like you?" I snapped when I finished his sentence. He just stood there just as shocked as I was to even say that. 

"This isn't you, Astrid." My gaze hardened and something shifted inside me.  

"Go away." He tried to step forward. 

"Loki Laufeyson, go away right now." He shook his head and tried to stand his ground. 

"I swear to Helheim, you leave right now, before I make you leave."

"Astrid?" I heard Thor from behind my beloved. 

"Yes Thor? What do you need?" I snapped. His eyes went wide. 

"Are you okay?" I shook my head. He walked past Loki and straight to me. He put his hands on my shoulders to try and calm me down. 

"Listen, you are good enough, it is okay to be sad. You are perfect as is, but we need to get these powers under control Snowdrop. We can do it together, but we also need Loki's help." I smiled at the nickname he used when we were just kids. I breathed a little slower and got it under control. I didn't even realize I was freezing everything. I looked at Loki who was still staring at me with soft but harsh eyes. I looked down and sighed. 

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