Chapter 29

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Loki's POV

Once we got to Asgard, I was prepared for her to leave me and return to that god-awful Midgard. However, she surprised me. Her aura had changed entirely and instead of this dreary, sad princess, the one we had that last time we were on Asgard. We had walked almost walked through the entire town without getting noticed, but then the little child called Astrid. She had knelt to give each a hug, then she picked up this boy, and they shared a smile and pointed at me. With grave confusion, I half smiled back. 

After I was dismissed from the meeting with Odin and Astrid, I went to the library to continue my research. I need more knowledge on Ragna and the powers that Astrid possesses. Now that we are both on Asgard, we can understand them a little more. I was deep in my books when Astrid stood in front of me, deep in her own thought. 

"Princess? Are you okay?" She shot her eyes to look at me and sighed. 

"I can either have Asgard or Vanaheim, but not both. However, once Thor is back and you three have your conversation, I will make my decision." I nodded, gathering a pretty good idea. She wants Vanaheim, she wants to learn about her people. However, her decision rides completely on who gets the throne here and how the other will react. 

"So have you found anything in your research yet, Lokes?" I shook my head. 

"Not really, no, just some basic things." She looked down. 

"That is unfortunate, maybe I have to go to Vanaheim." I stood up and held her hand in my own. 

"Then we shall go together." With that we left the library and went back to the Throne room. We discussed everything with Odin and we were on our way. 

"You know this is going to be extremely awkward. Just try to please not to lose your temper love." I said, putting my hand on the small of her back. She looked up at me and smiled. 

"That means you too, Loki." She stated sternly. Astrid really is a princess, regardless of where she is one, she will always be one in my eyes. I smiled up at her, she really has grounded me over the years. I moved my hand from the small of her back to around her whole waist. 

"Come on love, we have to get going." She nodded and we began the walk down the rainbow bridge to Heimdall who is awaiting our arrival. 

"Your highnesses, I hope you are ready for this." We both nod and are on our way through the Bifrost to Vanaheim. 

Astrid's POV

We landed in Vanaheim and were greeted by a Vanir royal guard. 

"Who might you be?"He demanded. I heard Loki scoff. 

"I am the Princess of Asgard, but rightful heir to the Throne of Vanaheim. This is Prince Loki of Asgard." I said promptly and princess-ly, if there was a better term for it. The guard cowered away and begged for forgiveness, but he believed that I was dead; everyone on Vanaheim did. I smiled sadly, and he summoned more guards to escort us to the castle. 

I felt this surge of power almost rumble deep within my core, as we began to walk to the palace. I looked at Loki with a confused look. 

"Your power source must be here. You must draw your power from Vanaheim." He said mart of factly, as if he was making a mental note about it. I nodded and tried to test it. 

"Darling, I do not think it is wise, we no longer know how powerful you are. And if you can pull power from both Asgard and Vanaheim, that makes your power extra substantial. I do not think that I can help you control it." He told me, not harshly but his words headed a warning. 

'He doesn't trust me.' I started to feel angry. Loki always does this. He gives me a warning about my power, because he does not want to be shown up. He has always been more powerful and I am sure likes to keep it that way. I held my hands in fists and I had caught Loki's eyes on my fists watching the blue aura that surrounds them. But then I thought about all the times he has successfully helped me and it, for some reason calmed me down. I released the power and it dissipated into the air. 

As we walked, I could not help but smile. It was beautiful, almost as beautiful as Asgard. They shared many similarities. However, Vanaheim had beautiful lush green forests and gardens. More seasonal and nature-like than the gold and beauty of Asgard. I looked over and Loki is glancing around at everything. We continue to walk down the garden-like path. Once in view, the palace seems so small. It is pearly white with massive vines growing up the side. 

"Oh my, this is beautiful." I smiled and looked at Loki who was already looking at me. I blushed and continued staring in awe at the pearly walls. 

"Ah my dear Astrid. SO nice of you to finally come around." I chuckled slightly and looked up at my 'parents'. 

"Your Majesties, thank you for allowing myself and my consort to conduct research on my growing abilities. Once that is complete, we will promptly be returning to Asgard." I said as I bowed. 

"No need for the formalities Astrid. We understand that you are angry with us, however, in due time I hope you are able to see the reason behind." I heard Loki scoff. 

"What was that?" The king had asked Loki. 

"Nothing, your majesty. May we be guided to the library for the research, please?" The King nodded, and we began the walk through the palace to the massive library. 

"The librarian Ekdite, should be able to help. He is the God of Logic and reason. If anyone knows where the books you acquire, it will be him. Enjoy your afternoon, dinner will be served at dusk. Please consider joining us in the Great Hall." He bid us farewell and retreated back to the Throne Room.

"Welcome to the Grand Library of Vanaheim, my name is Ekdite God of Logic and Reason. I am here to assist you in whatever it is you require." A male voice said as we walked into the library.

"Thank you Ekdite, my name is Astrid, Princess of Asgard and rightful heir to Vanaheim. This is my consort, Loki Odinson, Prince of Asgard. We acquire knowledge on the great power of Ragna." I state and Loki looked at me, confused. 

'What?' I ask him over the telepathic link. He just shakes his head. 

'Pretty sure, you are my consort, Princess.' I shoot him a look and he just smiles innocently. 

'Nope, I am quite certain that when I introduce you here, you are my consort. Plus I don't see you adding to the conversation or introducing us, therefore, you are my consort.' I shot back and just playfully glared at him. Ekdite, began to lead us to the section that has the most dust. 

"I am certain the books you find are in here, they just have been untouched for some time, as it has been a long time since I have heard that name." We nod, and Ekdite leaves us for his post. We begin our long search by dusting off books.

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