Chapter 30

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Astrid's POV

After we got the dust off the books,w e were able to get a better look at them. 

"This is an Old Language darling, I am not versed in it." I sighed and opened it. 

'Let me read it, I can read this.' Ragna had popped into my mind. I sighed and let her have a peak. 

'It reads about the ancient ones, my ancestors. How I came to be. The history of my people and myself. Which I can tell you about later. This will not help you find what you are looking for.' I sighed again and looked down. 

'Is there anything you can actually help me with on this search?' I ask her back. Loki is looking at me, as I stare off into the distance clearly having a conversation. 

'I will not harm you, Astrid. But unfortunately no. The past Goddesses that I have had has not been able to withhold my entire power, but I have a really good feeling about you. We have bonded. So I do not hold the answers for you. But you will know it when you see it.' I huffed and put my head on the table. Loki came to my side and began to console me. 

"Lokes I am fine, just getting frustrated that is all. Ragna says there is nothing she can do to help, she has only ever had one person who she has bonded with and that was eons ago. The rest of the people have not bonded and have succumbed to the power. It is all very unsettling, but she has a good feeling about our compatibility." I state standing up and grabbing another dusty book. I glance over the words and realize I can read this. I should not be able to read this. 

'I have given you a little bit more power to help you read these ancient books.' I smile and began to read the title. 

"Ragna: The Glory of Terror. Interesting title. Written by King Noi of Vanaheim, dated all the way back to the year 260." I gasped at how old this is. I took the book slowly and examined it.

"Darling, it has been preserved, please be gentle." Completely dismissing the fact that I am now able to read Old Asgardian and Vanir. I opened the book slowly as the binding cracked and squeaked from probably never being opened. Loki slowly came to stand behind me to try to read. 

"What does it say?" He asks giving up on trying. I smiled up to him and began to read. 

"It is part memoir and the retellings about King Noi's wife Queen Akira. She was extremely gifted in magic -- like me. They met when they were younger when Queen Akira was beginning her magic before her full potential was released - like me. Ragna and Akira bonded and became not only a force of great power but also great terror. King Noi, began to become worried years later, after the two of them had their children. It seems that becoming a mother had given Queen Akira another surge of power. After a battle on Jotunheim, King Noi finally was able to see the extent of his wife's powers, she had wiped out almost all of the Jotuns and it was so powerful, she even hurt Yggdrasil. From there, King Noi decided to lock her up. After that, he threw away the key, and never looked back. From there Ragna became angry and agitated that someone would treat her and her vessel like that. After Ragna had tried to keep her Queen alive for as long as can. However, after 50 years, they decided it was time to part ways. The Queen had passed away from suffering and heartbreak. Ragna was set free; and for the next 1000 years, she was passed between vessels that could never retain her power. It made Ragna depressed, that she was this ancient being and that she could help nobody." I read aloud, not even noticing the tears streaming down my face. The fear of what I read was beginning to creep, as I began to understand the depths of Ragna. I closed the book harshly and let out a frustrated sigh. 

"Darling, are you okay?" I shook my head.

"No, I am going for a brief walk. Please let me be alone." I snapped and got up. I kept thinking about the book, and the words. Why does nobody tell me these things? Why do I have find it out myself? What if Loki becomes so jealous and scared that he does the same? My head began to swirl with many questions. And each question made me more frustrated. I started to have this pent up anger and frustration, I closed my fists and jsut ket the surge out and dropped to the ground. At that point I noticed the damage I caused and I saw a guard get a little too much magic recoil or something to him. I went to go help him but he was already gone. I just sat there and cried.

Loki's POV

I knew it was a shock to her. I didn't follow her. I just kept going in the library, until I decided it was time to try and find her. I had sensed this powerful magic, so I followed it. I watched her let out the magic and destroy a little bit around her, including the guard. Then I watched her try to save him, but he was already gone. And then she just fell to the ground and cried.

"Astrid, darling. Do you need my help?" She looked up and I searched her eyes for the answer but she was afraid.

"Please, but the bindings on me. I know you have them. I am too dangerous, I took a life of an innocent. Dampen my magic." I just gave her a sad look, but she just pressed on. I pulled the bindings out of my pocket, they are designed to look like matching bracelets for each wrist. I slid them on and wTch her sigh in defeat.

"I understand." I looked up to her for her to continue.

"Loki, I understand if you don't want to be with me. Because I am a uncontrollable powerful goddess." I gave her a small smile and shook my head.

"No darling, I will not leave you. We will work on the bonding aspect between you and Ragna before it is too late. And you two will be in sync." She just looked to the ground. I lifted her chin with my index finger and just stared into her eyes.

"I love you, my princess. You can't change my mind. It's been destined in the stars." She smiles and nods. We begin to walk back to the palace to discuss it with the King and Queen.

Astrids POV

"I regret to inform you, that a palace guard has perished. I had an uncontrollable surge of power, and I was unaware of anyone being near. I apologize for my actions, and cease to wear these bindings for the foreseeable future. Until we work on tbe bonding aspect of myself and the power source I hold." I stated confidently, my parents looked shocked at first but understood what occurred.

"Well, as you have already punished yourself, and there was no reason for the guard to be out there. You are not at fault. Now let's go to the dining hall for dinner." I nodded and looked at Loki.

"Can I still use our link?" I mouth and he nodded.

'I assumed I was going to be grounded, or have to serve a sentence here. But let off like that feels wrong?' He smiled and nodded.

'Stay on your toes, darling. Something doesn't feel right here. They are hiding something.' I shuffled under the many eyes of the grand hall.

"Dear members of the court, I am proud to present Astrid, Princess of Asgard and rightful heir to Vanaheim, until she makes her grand decision. She is accompanied by Loki, Prince of Asgard." With the introductions, I smile and we take our seats. After that, food was served and we ate.

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