Chapter 24

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Astrid's POV

I just sat there baffled. She knew about everything and didn't think to tell me. 

"Why didn't she just come to me and tell me about everything," I said sadly. 

"Astrid, there's a letter here for you, looks like it was dated just before she passed away." He gave me the letter that was dated the same day she was murdered by the Dark Elves. 

'Dear Astrid, my sweet girl I do not have much time, but there is so much to tell you. First off, there is something you should know, that should have been said before this letter and in person. Astrid, you were given to us by the King and Queen of Vanaheim when they were in war with the Dark Elves, I have been watching over you and maintaining your abilities. You will become the strongest Goddess of Natural Elements. You will need to learn to embrace your powers and strength. I saw how you were when Loki left, and even worse when he came back. I believe that you two are destined to be together, call off the courtship with Thor, you two were not destined for each other. Secondly, Ragna is a voice who will make herself known to you within the year, to be scared of her darling. She is the source of your power, she will not mean any harm to you, but instead the opposite, she will make you stronger. She was made dormant until your 21st Midgardian birthday. I need you to know that I wish I could have told you this sooner, and I hope this letter finds you before then. I love you, my sweet Astrid.' I sniffled and wiped my eyes. 

"She wanted to tell me. But she couldn't so she wrote it all in a letter that's been locked away since the day she wrote it." He looked at me sadly.

"Astrid I'm so sorry. You deserved to know where you from before all of this. I should have been there for you. I should have never chosen New York and my conquest over you. You deserved so much more then watching me leave. I should have came to you when I first connected with the tesseract. I'm sorry Astrid." I put my hand on his and smiled up at him.

"It is okay Lokes. Everything happens for a reason. But for now I believe it is time to retire, I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a big day. Now that we know Ragna is no enemy but is an ally who has the power." He smiled back at me and began to get up to leave. He first turned back to face me and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Goodnight princess." I melted when he said it. After he left, I put the books back in the box and moved them to the floor.

I'm not sure how long I was asleep before the nightmare started. It was around the same time Loki returned and Frigga died.

'Dear child. You are stronger than you'll know. Run and hide. The Frost Giants are here." I shook my head as Frigga tried to send me away.

"I will stay here and fight, my Queen. I will not run." She half smiled and nodded. We glanced to the door as it was being banged open, then we glanced to Odin who was in his Odinsleep. The giants came bursting in, and we started all fighting. Then Loki came in and added into the battle, killing some of them. He never even saw me.

"Astrid!" I looked to my right to see a Frost Giant getting ready to slash me. I moved quickly out of the way to only get slightly frostburned. I winced at the pain and was looking at the battle from across the room. Loki had looked back surprised and shocked to see me. Then his face turned to anger.

That's when it happened. I watched it. A Frost Giant got Frigga off guard and she was pierced with there arms. I screamed as Loki got the last one. But he left right afterwards. I ran towards Frigga, to try and heal her.

"Do not worry my child. I will always be near you." She took her last breath in my arms. I screamed out in pain and despair.

"Loki!!!!!!!!" I cried out, in hopes he would hear me and come back to console me.

I woke up with a jolt. I was covered in sweat and ice. There was blue lightning come from where I was sleeping.

"Astrid. Let me in." I heard frantic knocking at the door. I stumbled from the bed to open the door. I opened it to see the entire Avengers standing there with weapons drawn and a scared look on their face.

"What happened, we heard you screaming, then a big boom." Steve had asked.

"I had a nightmare. That's all." I said looking down, feeling like a burden. They nodded and gave a sad smile. Because each one of them gets nightmares. Loki was the last to leave. He came into my room and looked around. At that point I was hyperventilating. I started to look at the damage.

"I am a monster. I cannot be controlled or contained. I need to be put in the cell. I am a danger to myself and the rest of humanity." I stated sadly. I was unfortunately correct. I knew that until my powers were able to be controlled, I will not be safe.

"That's not true. I will stay for the remainder of the night. You can rest peacefully." I nodded sadly and got back into bed. Loki got in beside me and I snuggled up to him.

"What was your nightmare about?" He asked while playing with my hair. I sighed.

"It was the day Frigga was murdered by the Frost Giants. In the room I wasn't supposed to be. On the day I got this." I held up my arm to show him the burn mark that has healed somewhat. He gasped.

"That's how you got that?" I nodded and he looked at me sadly.

"You told me, you got it in a battle." I nodded.

"I'd consider it a battle. Plus you were there. You watched it happen." I started to fall asleep.

"I wasn't myself." I heard as I closed my eyes.

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