Chapter 22

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Loki's POV

That instance where our lips met was so peaceful. It felt so right and perfect. The world stopped. After we pulled back she just smiled up at me and hugged me.

"I've been waiting so long for you to do that." She giggled against my chest.

"Well, shall we return to our rooms?" She nodded and we walked back to the building hand-in-hand, it was probably about 2 am. We got into the compound and ran into Stark, the Warriors Three and Thor drinking and having fun. We tried to sneak past them.

"Lady Astrid!" Hogun said getting up to greet us.

"Brother, what are you still doing up." I snapped. He knew my plan, so I knew exactly why he was still up.

"Drinks and games with friends, you two are getting in awfully late." He raised his eyebrows. Astrid tightened her grip on my hand.

"We are in a courtship and he even gave me a promise ring, or so it's called on Midgard!" She exclaimed smiling. And just like that, Thor came over and hugged us.

"I knew you two were right for each other. Alright, let's toast!" He said smiling. Stark had grabbed some more glasses for us.

"To Loki and Astrid, may their courtship be well-loved and marriage be on the horizon!" Fandral had toasted.

"Here! Here!" We all replied.

"Well, It is time I retire, I would like a full day of understanding my powers and testing the limits tomorrow. It's time I unleash it fully. So I will need everyone's help." Astrid said with the most confidence. She was ready, and the other voice will help her. We bid farewell.

"Brother, are you sure she's ready?" I looked back to Thor.

"I think, it's her own decision. My opinion is not validated in this circumstance." I sighed and sat down.

"But you do not think she's ready."

"I think, she has a lot to learn and ita going to be draining. The Other voice is intense and has been trying to take over for days now. I'm unsure of what will happen when it does. I do not know what to prepare for, when I have never come across it, in my readings or teachings with Mother. Which would be the only person to help out, but sadly she cannot help." I sighed and stared at the ground.

"Wait, maybe she can help. Her journals! She must've written something in them about her powers. We need to go back." Thor stated and stood up. Warriors Three were closely behind, and I was the last to stand. 

"You four go, Odin won't give anything to me, and the King and Queen of Vanaheim would rather me dead. So im oddly safer down her on Midgard. Just tell Odin and everyone that she is safe, and has finally relaxed from the last few days. Tell him I don't know when she'll want to return, but that we cannot force it. We all hurt her and she needs to forgive us for her to go back home. Because she'll be going back home a Princess of two kingdoms." I said shaking their hands.

"I trust you enough to be back as soon as possible, Brother. I do hope Odin understands the graveness of her journals. I shall get her to also start writing in them. If they give you any grief, tell them she is a force to reckon with and she needs the journals so that she can get everything under a control." They all nodded.

"Odin. Mothers journals. Force. Control. Okay, I got it all In here." I chuckled lowly.

"Maybe I should go, and you stay. I know where they are and how to get into places. Okay, I'll go. You stay here and explain it to her. If I'm not back in two days. Somethings happened. You tell her to start Journaling her process, and if I can I'll project down here." We all walked outside.


"Brother, don't let her get out of control. We have to keep it under some control." He nodded sternly and stood back by Stark. With that, we were back in Asgard.

"Loki, surprised you came." I roll3d my eyes.

"Save me the trouble Heimdall, you know why I am here. I'm going to assume it is straight to the Throne Room?" Heimdall chuckled and nodded. We walked to the Throne Room.

"My dear boy. I trust the reason you are here is good?" I looked and saw the King and Queen of Vanaheim looking grim. But I just looked back to Odin and grinned.

"I am of need of mothers journals during the earlier yesrs of Astrids stay with us. We believe there is clues to help her understand her powers in her journals." I stated my case, politely, strong, and I didn't falter. The Allfather looked at me, blinked, probably taken back by ny stance, then nodded.

"I know how deeply you care for her, therefore I grant you access to your mother's room where her journals have been kept, and alphabeticed. I believe she kept journals by name and year. Instead of year and many people." I nodded and headed straight toward her room without letting the king and queen have any say.

Once I got to her room, I sighed and started to go through her books. I found the one that said Princess Astrid of Vanaheim, age 5. That would have been the first one from around when she moved.

I grabbed a box and started grabbing all of the ones with Astrids name on them, as well as a few of mine when we were heavily training together. Once I grabbed every single of of Astrids, I closed the box and went back to the Throne Room.

"You seriously cannot be thinking of letting that monster back down to Midguard to our daughter, Odin." The King had stated harshly. I stopped outside the door to listen to the response.

"He is not a monster. He cares very deeply for Astrid. And as for you calling her your daughter, what you did to her was wrong. My late Frigga and I raised her, taught her everything she knows. Yes we had a peace Treaty, but you cannot expect her to waltz back into your arms after ensuring her safety. She needs time. And Loki, as challenged as he has been thw last few years. Was in the same boat as your daughter. Therefore he will be going back, alone. Because he can help her to her full potential." I smiled slightly. I've never heard him say something like that with compassion. I came around the corner and gave him a nod.

"I have gathered all of the books from Mothers chamber. I shall be returning to Midguard now. Thank you, Allfather." I turned on my heel and went to Heimdall at the Bifrost. Within seconds I was back on Midguard with a box of diaries.

"You left, without saying goodbye?" I looked at her.

"I have been gone less than a day." She shook her head.

"Time works differently. You've been gone for one whole week. You should have woken me up. I had to hear it from Thor that you went back. Were courting Loki! You should have said something." She sighed then saw the box.

"Give me those. I shall be retiring to my chambers for some reading. Thor is in the main living area." She grabbed the box and left.

'Princesses, I tell ya.' I thought to myself. Then I walked into the compound.

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