Chapter 17

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"I linked my life to yours." I said barely above a whisper. I waited for Loki to get mad to pull us into an illusion but he let go of me and motioned for Steve to continue walking. I trailed behind the men in silence.

We kept walking into the rooming quarters where everyone stays. We went into the elevator and thats when Steve broke the thick silence.

"I will make sure Coulson or Fury gives you access codes for the elevator and everything." I smiled at him and nodded. We got off on the third floor.

"Down this hallway is Natasha's, Buckys, and my room. Both of yours will be down here as well. Right across from one another. I hope everything provided is sufficient for now. I am sure Nat and Wanda would love to go shopping with you, Astrid." He unlocked my door with the key card and gave it to me. He did the same with Lokis. You could feel the new tension surrounding us.

I closed the door after mentioning to Steve that I was going to have a nap. I lied on the big comfy bed and let my thoughts unravel in my mind. I felt so defeated. I fell into a sleep listening to my own thoughts.

Loki's POV

I sat on my bed replaying everything that went on today. I should have hugged her. Or said something. I got up and walked to her door and knocked.

"Come in" She sounded tired. I opened the door and looked at her. She was still pretty much sleeping.

"Princess, I just wanted to say what you did, linking your life to mine, was foolish and downright stupid." She sighed and opened her eyes. She just looked so beautiful, even though she was so done.

"Loki. If that's what you came for, please go. I have no energy to argue right now. I did what I had to." She moved in her bed so she was on her tummy, face first in the pillow.

"You did what you had to? You did not have to link your life to mine. That is just selfish and it makes you pathetic." I just couldn't stop the words. She sighed and nodded.

"Yes, yes, let it all out Loki. Belittle me." She wanted this. She knew how to make me tick. She knows exactly what she is doing. She knows I cannot stop.

"Oh Princess, what do you wanna hear? I know exactly what you are doing, you pathetic little girl. Thor left because he couldn't handle you. You're a piece of work, no wonder why nobody wants you. Your parents didn't even want you." That last one struck a nerve, she turned her head to me and glared.

"Leave now Loki. I'm the pathetic one? You have to belittle people to feel worthy. You literally attacked a whole realm to feel worthy. Everything you said was true, even the thoughts you didn't say out loud. But you're right, nobody wants me. So leave now." She snapped and put her face into the pillow. I took a step closer to say I'm sorry, but she threw her arm out and send ice my way.

"Alright. I'm leaving. Stubborn bitch." I turned around go leave and caught and icicle in my reflex.

"I hate you Loki Odinson." Ouch. I know I took it too far, but she pushed my buttons.

Astrids POV

I lied back down, after Loki left, and felt the whole world on my shoulders.  He might come back in a few hours to apologize, but all those feelings had to come from somewhere. It just stings. Yeah we've fought before, but this felt different. I fell asleep for the second time.

"Miss Astrid, my name is F.R.I.D.A.Y I am the artificial intelligence that Mr Stark has created. I apologize for waking you but it is supper." I groaned and got out of bed. I found some leggings and a bunnyhug in the dresser. It's not your Asgardian clothing but it will do for now. I threw my hair up in a bun and opened my door. I closed it and started walking, when I heard Lokis door open and close.

"I do not want to speak to you yet." I say out loud so he understands I am mad, hurt and upset.

"Then calm down." I snapped around to face him.

"You do not get the right to tell me to calm down. Because the hurt, anger and pain I feel right now, is also because of you. Now you might say 'Oh Astrid, I didn't mean any of those things.' Yeah well those feelings must've come from somewhere." I said sighing.

"Astrid you're gonna hurt people if you don't calm down!" I then blasted him with ice and snow.

"Miss Astrid, shall I clean this up?" F.R.I.D.A.Y asked.

"Not yet. He needs to cool off." I grumbled and walked to the kitchen

'We need him.' The voice in my head said.
'No we don't. We can do this on our own.' I said and just grabbed a plate of this midgardian food.

"What is it we are having this evening?" I asked politely as if I didn't just freeze Loki upstairs. I found my spot and Steve came running down.

"Why is Loki frozen?" He asked me. I shrugged.

"Who would do such a thing?" I tried to play dumb. He just frowned at me.

"God, Astrid what did you do?" He sat down next to me and put his hand on my hand.

"We had an argument. He deserved it. He's a Frost Giant. He will survive. He will stay there until that shit melts." I smiled at him.

"Are you two?" He hesitated.



"No we are not. Would I like to be? Maybe. But I grew up with Loki and Thor. I know them." I stated and he nodded.

"What is this food?" I chuckled using a spoon.

"Tony's Mac and Cheesy Cheese." I nodded and took a bite.

"This is amazing!" I exclaimed and Tony came around the corner bowing.  I giggled and finished eating.

"I do believe, I am going to retire to bed early tonight. It has been an eventful day." The team bid farewell and I made my way up the stairs.

"Astrid!" Oops, loki was becoming free. I turned on my heel and ran.

"On second thought, who's up for a game of hide and seek." I say in a hurry and everyone perked up and nodded.

'Oh Lokester the Trickster. I wasn't myself earlier. I am sorry. Good luck finding me.' I got in his head and i ran to hide somewhere.

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