Chapter 1: Damn it.

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*This story is now being edited and rewritten so that hopefully it works for what I was originally going for, the rewritten story will be put in a separate book*

AN: The second picture is the cover photo if you wanna see it better, also the song is called 'Dead bite' it's by 'Hollywood Undead' and it doesn't add anything I just like it.

Warning: Foul language.

-Russia's POV-
Mon 6:30 AM





".....Damn it." I huffed as I slowly sat up and looked around my dark room for my phone that was supposed to be on my nightstand.

Now that I was sitting up, I looked under the covers of my bed and eventually found my phone and got up, grabbing onto my nightstand as my vision went dark for a moment.

I then sluggishly walked over to my closet to change out of my pajamas and into some real clothes.

I grabbed a baggy gray T-shirt with my puffy faded dark blue jacket a pair of knee-high socks, briefs, and a pair of jeans.

After I got my clothes I went to the bathroom to do my 'daily routine' as some call it.

In the bathroom, I got undressed and put on my new clothes before brushing my teeth and lazily combing through my hair with my fingers.

As I walked out of the bathroom I walked back into my room and threw my clothes in my laundry basket.

Leaving my room I walked into the kitchen to get a cup of water.

I was reaching up in the cabinet to grab a cup when I heard a knock at the door.

Who the fuck?

Walking to the door and opened it, feeling anger pool in my stomach.

"Howdy Ass-hat!" America greeted loudly as soon as the door had fully opened.

"Hello, America." I said with a flat tone while trying to stay calm.

"Why are you dormimg with me?" I bitterly asked, already knowing the answer.

"Why do you think?" America asked rhetorically.

"To annoy you obviously!" he shouted again, this time with a slight laugh.

"I think it's kinda funny, ya know? The fact that your wants of a roommate came to bite you in the ass." America stated with a smile and a light chuckle while hopefully calming down.

"Are you done having a conversation with yourself?" I asked him, already tired of his bull shit.

"I mean, I guess." He said lazily with an entertained smirk.

"Now could you move?" America asked, his tone suddenly changing from a somewhat calm one to that of annoyance.

Letting out an exhausted sigh, I moved out of the way and let him walk into the dorm.

And yet, even though I gave him enough space to walk in without hitting me, he still shoved me just to walk to his room and slam the door behind himself.

-Time skip-

-Russia's POV-
Tue 7:34 AM

I had only been living with America for barely a day, and yet he was already managing to make me despise my life more than usual.

Walking out of what was now our dorm, I signed in relief on account of not having to spend another second with him.

Once I was out of the building, I started to walk toward the college, not wanting to be late even though it didn't matter to me much if I was.

Arriving at the front doors of the large building, I took a deep breath and stepped inside to go to class.

-Chapter end-

-Authors note-

This is the United States of America or just America

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This is the United States of America or just America.

This is the United States of America or just America

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And this is the Russian federation or Russia.

All the art is by my friend.

Thanks for reading comrades, see you later.

(Word count: 640)

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