Chapter 7: Long time no see.

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AN: I listened to 'Dead in ditches' while I was writing this, the song is kinda foul and by kinda foul, I mean really foul, but it sounds good and is by 'Hollywood undead'.

Warning: Foul language, smoking.

-America's POV-
Tue 3:58 PM

"Fine, goodbye Nam'." I said as I stood up.

"Bye, Stripes." Vietnam said with a soft smile.

Damn it.

-America's POV-
Tue 4:22 PM

I left the coffee shop a little bit ago and had made it to our dorm building.

I decided to walk around to the back of the building to stall apologizing to Russia for as long as possible.

As I slowly walked to the back of the tall building I could smell cigarettes and saw the shadow of a person.

-Russia's POV-
Tue 3:37 PM

I had just left the coffee shop on account of me not wanting America to bring up personal shit in his attempts at offending me.

Not wanting to go back to our dorm just yet and wanting to calm down a little, I settled on walking around and smoking a cigarette.

I reached into my pocket, going to grab my pack of cigarettes only to let out a sigh of annoyance.

Of course, I don't have any on me.

Annoyed with how the day was going, I decided on going back to our dorm, grabbing my pack of cigarettes, and smoking outside.

-Time skip-
Tue 3:43 PM

Stepping into the dorm building I heard someone call my name.

Turning around to see who it was I smiled.

"Hey, Goose." I said in surprise .

"Hey man, long time no see." Goose said while walking up to hug me.

Goose's real name is Democratic Republic of Germany; I think it's funny how everyone else calls him Goose.

"Yeah, it really has." I said, hugging him back.

"So, what are you doing?" He asked, pulling away and looking up at me.

"I'm going to my dorm to grab my pack of cigarettes." I told him as I started walking, knowing that he'd follow me.

"Still a smoker eh? Some things never change." He said, walking after me.

"Yep." I confirmed with a slight nod.

When we had made it to the dorm I took out my keys to unlock the door for us.

Once I unlocked the door I walked inside and to my room.

Going up to my nightstand, I opened the drawer, grabbed my cigarettes, and left, shutting the door to my room behind me.

"Okay, I got em'," I said, causing Goose to look over at me.

"Cool, let's go." He said smiling.

Goose and I left the dorm with me locking the door behind us.

-Time skip-

-Russia's POV-
Tue 4:19 PM

Goose and I were standing behind the building, with me smoking a cigarette when I heard someone walking up to us.

I dropped my cigarette and stomped it out in case it was campus security only for it to be-


-Chapter end-

-Author's note-

This is what Goose looks like

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This is what Goose looks like.

In case you didn't know, Goose or the Democratic Republic of Germany is a made-up country I created to represent the now eastern part of Germany on account of it having such different culture and East Germany being dead.

Thanks for reading comrades, see you later.

(Word count: 564)

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