Chapter 9: Movies!

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AN: I listened to a song called 'Knife called lust' it's by 'Hollywood undead'.

Warning: Foul language.

-America's POV-
Tue 4:48 PM

"Goose, I need you to drive me to Ukie's." Russia said sounding a little nervous, but mostly annoyed.

"What, dude why?" Goose asked quickly.

"Why do you think?" Russia asked rhetorically wile moving to the door and grabbing his dorm keys.

"Right, dumb question, come one." Goose said as he stood up to follow Russia out the door.

And with that I was left alone.

"The fuck?"

-America's POV-
Tue 4:50 PM

"Well, that was weird." I said, replaying what had happened just moments ago in my head.

I'ma call Japan, she always helps me understand stuff.

Picking up my phone from the coffee table I clicked on her contact and waited for her to pick up.




"Hello, Japan Tokyo speaking." Japan said answering her phone.

As soon as I heard her voice I felt happier than before.

"Hey Japan, how's it going?" I asked her, smiling.

"Oh, hi America, I'm good. And you?" She asked.

"I'm good, thanks for asking. Also, I was wondering, do you wanna come over to my place and hang out?" I asked, hoping she'd say yes.

"Sure,thanks for inviting me." She said, making me do a little happy dance on the couch.

"Course' dude." I told her, excited to see her.

"Thanks, I'll be there in a little bit. Bye-bye, love you." Japan said, becoming cheerier than before.

"Bye, see you in a bit, love you too." I said hanging up the phone.

Japan and I are really close friends so when we talk to each other saying 'I love you' isn't exactly Weird.

Deciding to get something to eat, I went to the pantry and grabbed a pack of fruit gummies and sat back down on the couch to eat them.

I was sat eating my gummies and playing on my phone for a wile, when I heard who I assumed to be Japan knock on the door.

She got here quick.

Getting up off the couch, I walked to the door and opened it with a smile.

"Howdy Japan." I greeted cheerfully.

"Hi stripes." Japan replied, moving to hug me.

"How's it going?" I asked, tightly hugging her.

"Good, but you literally just asked me that over the phone, silly." She said, pulling away from my embrace and laughing.

"Sorry, I forgot." I apologized, being slightly embarrassed at myself.

"It's okay; also can we sit down?" Japan asked, taking her shoes off and walking into the living room as I shut the door behind her.

"Of course." I said, drawing out the 'o' sound in 'of' and walking up to her.

"Thanks. Also what do you want to do; since you invited me over?" Japan questioned, sitting down on the couch and turning her head to me.

"Well, for starters, me and Russia are roommates, but like, you probably already know that." I said, sitting down beside Japan.

"Also Russia invited this kid named Goose over and that's cool and all, but they just left in a rush and I'm a little confused as to why." I told Japan, while rethinking whole the situation.

"Well, why are you confused?" Japan asked, leaning back into the couch a little more.

"Uh, well..... me, Russia and Goose were sitting and talking, when Russia's phone rang and he went to answer it; after he answered it he asked if someone was drinking again, then after a second he walked back into to living room and told goose that they had to leave." I told her, rubbing my hands together to calm myself.

"Okay, so that was a lot and I don't entirely understand, but it sounds like you're worried about something that's not really your business." Japan said attempting to comfort me by rubbing my arm.

"I know, I just can't help but be worried about Goose, even if hate Russia's guts." I told Japan, furrowing my eyebrows in frustration.

"Hey, I know, why don't we watch a movie or something? It might help you calm down." Japan offered, grabbing the TV remote off the coffee table and looking at me with a sympathetic smile.

"Okay." I agreed, letting out a sigh.

-Time skip-

-America's POV-
Tue 6:36 PM

"Yo, that movie was sick as fuck!" I shouted in excitement.

"Yeah it was!" Japan squealed in agreement.

"So, what do you wanna do know?" I questioned, still smiling as I popped my back.

"I don't know. maybe we could walk around for a bit before it gets too late?" She offered seemingly still hyped up from the movie and wanting to move around.

"Sure, let's go." I said hopping up off the couch.

-Chapter end-

-Author's note-

Thanks for reading comrades, see you later.

(Word count: 815)

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