Chapter 19: Ice-cold comrades.

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AN: I listened to 'I cut myself ' by 'Talkshow boy'.

Warning: Foul language, fighting.

-Russia's POV-
Wed 4:12 PM

I walked to my bedroom and opened my door, then chucked my dirty laundry into my clothing basket.

After I was completely finished with everything that came with showering, I walked into the kitchen to see America.

-Russia's POV-
Wed 4:12 PM

"Howdy Ruski; want some macaroni?" America asked, holding up a small pot of macaroni.

"No thanks, I'm gonna eat at Iceland's." I said, grossed out by the food he tried to shove in my face.

"Suit yourself." He said with a shrug, as he sat the pot onto the counter and got out a bowl.

"Wait, You're going to Iceland's?" America asked with a smile as he finished getting himself food.

"Yeah, why?" I asked flatly, confused by his smile.

"Are you two dating? You always seemed kinda gay." America asked, taking a bit of his macaroni.

"I'm not fucking gay; me and him are just friends, America." I told him, annoyed.

"Oh yeah, and my name's Sarah, I saw how you and Iceland send hearts to each other." He purred with a smile, as he tried to get under my skin.

"Go fuck yourself." I said as I walked away and to my room.

"Fuck me yourself, coward!" He shouted, causing me to slam my door out of frustration.

What the fuck is wrong with him?

All of these arguments are because of him yet he gets mad at me when I fight back!

Checking my phone, I sighed.

Thank god, I can finally get out of here and see Iceland.

Getting up, I put my phone in my pocket and opened up my nightstand's draw to look for everything I needed.

"Cigarettes, lighter, pocket-knife, phone, and earbuds; I got it all." I mumbled to myself making sure I had everything.

Putting it all in my pockets, I walked out of my room and started heading to the front door.

"Have a nice time at your boyfriend's; use protection." America mocked, as I reached for my keys and opened the front door.

"I'm not gay, you fuck-wad." I told him turning my head to glare at him.

"Just keep telling yourself that." He said with a lazy tone.

"Will do." I said flatly as I walked out of our dorm, and headed toward Iceland's.

-Time skip-

-Russia's POV-
Wed 5:24 PM

"Sup, my ice-cold comrade!" Iceland shouted, opening his arms for a hug.

Iceland may be loud, but he isn't a dick-bag; that's why I like him.

"Hey, Ice." I greeted him with a smile and open arms as He tightly hugged me.

"Come on in and get comfortable, I got what you asked for." He told me with a cheery smile.

I always loved his smile, it made me feel better as soon as I saw it.

-Chapter end-

-Author's note-

I got Covid even though I've been vaccinated and have been wearing a mask everywhere I go.

So that's nice.

Anyways, thanks for reading comrades, see you later.

(Word count: 525)

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