Chapter 5: Not too kind.

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AN: I listened to 'The natives' by 'Hollywood undead' when I made this chapter.

Warning: Foul language, arguing.

-Russia's POV-
Tue 3:23 PM

"That makes sense, solid logic Dude." America told me, putting his fist up so we could fist-bump.

"no thanks, man." I said, taking a drink of my coffee.

It doesn't taste that great.

But hey, what are you gonna do?

"Okay." America huffed.

-America's POV-
Tue 3:23 PM

"How's your dad been doing recently America?" Vietnam asked me while taking a sip of her tea.

"he's been good, he actually just hired a new kid named Georgia." I said to her with a smile as I thought of my dad.

I should call him when I get back home.

"That's good, what do they do though?" Vietnam asked, seemingly confused.

"I don't know, last I talked to my old man that's all he said." I told her while shrugging.

"Georgia, which one?" Russia asked me.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, confused.

"Are you talking about your state or my almost-sister?" Russia clarified.

"Well, it ain't my cousin." I told him.

"God, you're annoying, but thanks for telling me." Russia said to me while pinching between his eyebrows and sighing.

"Dude, you're one to talk." I said, taking a bite of what was left of my muffin.

"What do you mean by that?" Russia asked in a low voice.

Shit, that's scary.

He reminds me of Soviet so much.

"You're annoying." I told him flatly, looking over at Vietnam to see how uneasy she seemed.

I shouldn't have said that.

Well, there's no backpedaling now.

"Really, is that all you've got?" Russia asked me seemingly amused that I didn't say worse.

"You're a dick with no friends. Better?" I said with a smile.

That's pretty basic, I should come up with something better.

"I mean I guess, your insults aren't very personal though." Russia said bitterly.

"I can get personal if you really want me to." I purred out getting close to his face.

He's got some gnarly scars.


"Guys, could you please not do this?" Vietnam pleaded.

I completely forgot about her for a second.

"Yeah Russia, could we not?" I asked him in a mocking tone, still close to his face.

"Could you back up? Your breath stinks." Russia said leaning away from me.

"Fine." I spat, as I sat back down in my seat.

He's a fuckin' idiot.

"Thank you." Vietnam said as she sighed.

"Yeah, sure." I said brushing her off.

I really made a mistake.

I really shouldn't have done that.

God damn it.

".....I'm gonna go." Russia said as he stood up.

"What, why?" Vietnam asked seemingly disappointed.

"I just.....I wanna leave." Russia sighed out.

"Well uh, see you later." Vietnam said as she waved to Russia as he started to walk away.

"Bye Vietnam." Russia said with a huff.

"Wait." Vietnam called quickly.

"What?" Russia asked stopping and turning around.

"Оставайся сильным, товарищ. (Stay strong comrade.)" Vietnam said with a soft smile.

What does that mean?

Was that Russian?

"Спасибо, Тебе того же. (Thank you, same to you.)" Russia replied with a genuine smile.

And as he walked away, the sinking feeling of guilt set in.

-Chapter end-

-Author's note-

All sentences in Russian are made by Reverso and my limited knowledge of Russian, so if anything is wrong tell me so I can fix it.

Thanks for reading comrades, see you later.

(Word count: 586)

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