Chapter 10: Taking walks.

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AN: I listened to the old version of 'Undead' by 'Hollywood undead' when I wrote this, and even though it's the older version it rocks.

Warning: Foul language, arguing.

-America's POV-
Tue 6:40 PM

"So, what do you wanna do now?" I questioned, still smiling as I popped my back.

"I don't know. maybe we could walk around for a bit before it gets too late? She offered seemingly still hyped up from the movie and wanting to move around.

"Sure, let's go." I said hopping up off the couch.

-America's POV-
Tue 7:12 PM

Me and Japan had been walking down the sidewalk and were about to turn a corner and keep walking until I suddenly stopped.

"Hey, why'd you stop?" Japan asked, tilting her head and stopping.

"I hear people arguing up ahead and I don't really wanna get involved." I whispered.

"Oh uh, okay." She said nervously.

"Bel, you can't keep doing this, I get that you miss him but you're dragging everyone down with you!" I heard a familiar voice shout.

Who is that, they sound so familiar?

It's hard to tell when there're yelling.

"Oh come on, coming from you that's rich." A woman said with a bitter laugh.

"At least I tried to change unlike you." The guy from before said.

"We're leaving, so unless you want to come with us, you can stay here and whine." The guy said, walking closer to me and Japan.

"Shit." Japan whispered in fright.

"Sorry." She apologized, probably for cursing.

"Russia wait, please, I'm sorry." The woman apologized, practically begging.


"Wait, Russia?" I questioned, walking around the corner with Japan at my side.

"America?" Russia asked, turning around to face me.

"Yeah, but what's going on?" I asked, looking around him and seeing Belarus crying and Goose looking at her with annoyance evident on his face.

"None of your business." Russia said, glaring at me and Japan.

"Come on bel, get your sorry ass up." He said harshly to Belarus.

"Fine." She sniffled, wiping her nose on her sleeve.

"Thank you." Russia said as he and Goose started to walk off with Belarus following close behind.

"Hey, where are y'all going?" I asked, walking after them.

"America, maybe we shouldn't." Japan said, pulling on my sleeve.

"Nonsense." I said, brushing her off with a smile.

"So, where y'all going?" I asked again.

"Where do you think? Our dorm, dumb-ass." Russia answered while still walking.

"Name-calling is rude." I said in a jokingly bitchy tone.

"Can you shut up!? It's been a long day!" Goose suddenly yelled, sounding exhausted towards the end of his sentence.

"...Yeah, sorry dude." I apologized, feeling kinda bad for antagonizing them so much.

"Your good man, just...quiet down a little." Russia said, sounding tired.

Weird, normally he would have gone off.

I really am an ass if that's the first thing I notice.

-Chapter end-

-Author's note-

Thanks for reading comrades, see you later.

(Word count: 503)

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