Chapter 12: You're welcome!

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AN: when I wrote this chapter I was listening to 'Literal legend' by 'Ayesha erotica'.

Warning: Foul language, cigarettes.

-Russia's POV-
Tue 5:15 PM

"Russia, come here, Belarus, you stay where you are." He called from the kitchen.

"Fine, just hold on." I said as I got up off the couch with a huff of annoyance.


I just sat down.

"what do you want?" I asked, walking into the kitchen to see him emptying the bag on the counter.

-Russia's POV-
Tue 5:15 PM

"Would you hang out with Belarus for a bit while I go visit Georgia? I'm not going to be gone for long, and I bet Bel would enjoy spending time with you." Ukraine asked as he put a bottle of Apple-cranberry juice in the fridge.

"Even though I don't want to I'll watch her, I don't want her to be alone." I said, giving him a frustrated look for thinking I didn't care about our sister.

"Don't look at me like that, it isn't entirely unreasonable for me to ask you." Ukraine told me, walking back to the counter, and leaning on it.

"Also, these are for you; think of it as payment." He said as he handed me a pack of Rebel reds (my favorite cigarettes) before I could say anything.

"Thanks." I said as I grabbed the cigarettes and turned around, walking back into the living room.

"You're welcome!" Ukraine yelled at me for the kitchen.

"Belarus, come on, we're leaving." I said, rubbing her shoulder to get her up.

"Hm? Oh, alright." She said as she got up off the couch with a small frown.

After she got up, Belarus and I walked out the door, telling Ukie goodbye beforehand.

As we were standing on the porch, I took out my phone and called Goose, tapping my foot against the ground as I waited for him to answer.

"Hey, what's up; is Belarus okay?" Goose asked as soon as he answered.

"Yeah, they're good, but we're waiting on the front step for you." I told him.

"Okay, be there in a sec, bye." Goose said quickly before hanging up.

"Okay, Goose is gonna be here in a second." I said to Belarus as I put my phone back into my pocket.

"Alright." Belarus said calmly, as she leaned against me.

Belarus and I were sat on the front step for a few minutes before Goose came by with his windows down.

"Get in the car, we're going." Goose said flatly as he pulled up to the curb, not even bothering to park.

"Kay, Belarus, come on." I said as I stood, lifting her up with me.

Belarus and I had stepped off the porch and had gotten into the back of the car before Goose started to talk.

"Bel, what the fuck was that?" Goose asked, cold and harsh, as he started to drive away.

"Uh....." Belarus didn't reply, she just looked down at the road through the car's window.

The whole situation reminds me of how it used to be with our 'dad' as Bel calls him.

-Chapter end-

-Author's note-

Thanks for reading comrades, see you later.

(Word count: 536)

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