Chapter 6: Fine.

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AN: 'Broken record' by 'Hollywood undead' is the name of the song I listened to.

Warning: Foul language, arguing.

-America's POV-
Tue 3:35 PM

"Спасибо, Тебе того же. (Thank you, same to you.)" Russia replied with a genuine smile.

As he walked away, the sinking feeling of guilt set in.

-America's POV
Tue 3:40 PM

After Russia left, me and Vietnam sat in awkward silence until she finally broke it.

"What was that?" She asked me, seeming frustrated.

Quick, excuse!

"Heh, what do you mean?" I asked, stalling so I could think of an excuse.

Play dumb, it was his fault, he started it.

Yeah, that's a good idea.

"You were a dick." She stated, flatly.

"How was I a dick? He started it!" I told her acting offended even though guilt was chewing me up from the inside.

"He said that you were annoying, something that normally you would laugh at, and yet you got really defensive." Vietnam told me, unamused.

"I couldn't let him say I was annoying, he's the annoying one." I told her, with a glair.

"I get that you don't like him, but did you ever consider the fact that maybe you're the ass-hole?" She asked tapping her finger on the table.

"How would I be the ass-hole?" I asked her, honestly confused.

What did I do?

He's always being rude to me.

"Think, who's the guy always starting fights in situations like this normally?" Vietnam asked me, growing impatient.

Well fuck.

"" I admitted with my head down.

"Okay, good you're admitting it. Now think, could you try being friendly and see if that fixes the way you two act around each other?" Vietnam asked calmly.

If she was trying to calm me down it was working.

"I mean, I guess I could." I told her with a sigh.

"Now, go apologize and be nice for once." She said, her tone suddenly shifting to annoyance.

".....fine." I reluctant whined.

"Good, now go." She ushered, trying to get me to leave.

"Fine, goodbye Nam'." I said as I stood up.

"Bye, Stripes ." Vietnam said with a small smile.

Damn it.

-Chapter end-

-Author's note-

Sorry for this chapter being so short.

All sentences in Russian are made by Reverso and my limited knowledge of Russian, so if anything is wrong tell me so I can fix it.

Thanks for reading comrades, see you later.

(Word count: 409)

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