Chapter 17: You're color blind?

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AN: The song I listened to was 'I am' by 'Hollywood undead'.

Warning: Foul language.

-Russia's POV-

Fucking ass-hole.

He's loud as fuck, and yet when I do literally anything he gets mad and tries to start fights.

I turned off the light by my bed and threw my phone on my small nightstand.

Afterward, I took off my jacket and undressed putting on my pajamas by my bed; then I laid down and tried to sleep.

-Russia's POV-
Wed 6:30 AM



I didn't sleep much last night and now, I feel worse than usual.


Getting out of bed, I undressed and put on the clothes I was wearing yesterday.

Not the most sanitary thing to do, but fuck it

Walking out of my room into the kitchen I had the displeasure of seeing America.

"Sup bro, you look like shit." America said in an upbeat and almost-condescending tone.

"Hey." I said blandly while walking over to the sink and rinsing out a cup to fill with water.

"What's up with you?" America asked, leaning over my shoulder and closer to me.

"None of your business; now back up." I said gruffly, pushing him away from me and walking to the living room with my cup.

"Come on, no need to be so rude, we were just having a conversation and you got mad." America said, acting like it was me who was being an ass-hole.

"I'm not doing this first thing in the morning, America." I told him sternly, while taking a drink of water.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Russia." He said as he sat down on the other end of the couch and pulled out his phone.

After a few minutes, he stood up again.

"Anyways, you want a granola bar?" America asked me, standing up again and putting his phone away in his pocket.

"No." I told him, giving him a suspicious look.

"Why not, afraid of me poisoning it?" America asked in a mocking tone

"No, I just don't eat breakfast." I told him, tired of having to justify myself.

"Okay, Mr. Twig." America said as he walked away.

-Time skip-

-Russia's POV-
Wen 7:20 AM

"Come on ya tree." America said as he pulled on my arm to get me to stand up.

"Can you not? That shit hurts." I told him as I pulled my arm away.

"How'd that hurt? I wasn't even being ruff." He said dropping my arm.

"You're a lot less gentle than you think." I told him as I stood up and started to walk towards the door.

"You're such a baby; I wasn't even being mean." America told me, as he followed me out the door.

"Fuck off." I told him angrily as I locked the door behind us.

"Fine, twig." He said as we started walking again.

-Time skip-

-America's POV-
Wed 11:15 AM

"Hey Ruski!" I shouted as I ran up to Russia while waving.

"Hello, America." Russia greeted tiredly.

"What's up with you?" I asked as I walked down the hall with him.

"Nothing." He told me, brushing me off like always.

Knowing I wouldn't get anything of substance out of him this way, I thought of a different tactic.

"You wanna eat together?" I asked, stepping in front of him and looking up at his face.

"Maybe." He said as he walked around me and sat on a low wall beside us.

Walking over to him, I sat on the bench beside the wall.

"Whatcha got for lunch?" I asked Russia as I unzipped my bag and reached into it.

"A granola bar." He told me as he took it out of his pocket and opened it.

"Did you just have a granola bar in your pocket?" I asked, laughing slightly.

"Yeah; what did you pack?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Finally, he's asking me things now.

"I have an apple, a sandwich, and a bottle of water." I said with a smile, excited that he asked me a question for once.

"Cool." He said as he took a bite while staring down at his shoes.

"The fall is pretty." I said to no one in particular.

"Yeah, I just wish everything wasn't so dull." Russia said, surprising me on account of him not having very long responses.

"What do you mean?" I asked intrigued by how he saw things.

"Everything is almost the same color, but everyone else says it's not, and it gets annoying." Russia said, sounding annoyed.

"...wait, are you color blind?" I asked confused to see such a scary-looking dude have such an odd flaw.

"...I don't think so." He told me, sounding like he was rethinking his life.

"I think you might be, dude." I said shrugging as I bit into the sandwich that I got out of my bag.

"I can't be, my dad would have said so." Russia said, sounding frustrated at the mention of his dad.

"If you say so." I told him, taking another bite of my sandwich.

-Time skip-

-America's POV-
Wed 2:30 PM

My final class was over; when I walked out of the building and passed the spot me and Russia had been eating lunch at.

My dad better be happy with what I do for him.

-Chapter end-

-Author's note-

I wrote a slightly longer chapter for y'all as an apology for not writing much; hope y'all enjoy it.

Thanks for reading comrades, see you later.

(Word count: 926)

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