Chapter 18: Drinks?

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AN: I listened to 'No.5' by 'Hollywood undead' when I was writing this and decided to include a little bit of the song in the story.

Warning: Foul language, alcohol, negative self-image.

-America's POV-
Wed 2:30 PM

My final class was over; when I walked out of the building and passed the spot me and Russia had been eating lunch at.

My dad better be happy with what I do for him.

-America's POV-
Wed 2:46 PM

I ran to my dorm and made it inside when I saw Russia on the couch.


"Hey, buddy; how you doing?" I asked with a smile as I sat on the arm of the couch.

"Studying." He answered simply.

"Cool..." I said, hoping he would've actually talked to me.

Deciding the silence was too awkward, I wanted to leave.

"...whelp, I'ma go study in my room." I told him as I stood back up and walked to my room.

After I walked into my room I shut the door and sat at my desk to write in my notebook and reread my notes.

-Russia's POV-
Wed 2:52 PM

Shit, I'm really tired.

Standing up off the couch, I closed my notebook and walked to the kitchen.

I should eat something, but the thought of it makes me feel nauseous.

I'll try and eat some blueberries.

Opening the fridge, I grabbed the box of blueberries and set them on the counter.

After I sat the blueberries down, I reached into the cabinet above the counter and grabbed a small bowl.

Setting the bowl down, I put a handful of blueberries in it then put them back in the fridge.

After that, I grabbed my bowl, walked back into the living room, and sat down.

Setting the blueberries down, I grabbed my phone and put on some music.

I like to listen to music while I eat; I get less grossed out.

I was sitting quietly eating when the song got to a part that made me laugh.

"Do a beer run and flip off a cop." I sang to myself quietly with a small smile.

"Girls give me props, and they're on my jock!" I heard America yell, causing me to jump.

"Dude!" I shouted, whipping my head up to look at him.

"What? It's a good song." He said with a shrug and a stupid smile as he walked up to the couch and plopped down.

"Were you just standing there and watching me?" I asked annoyed with his audacity.

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