Chapter 13: Cigarettes and adrenaline.

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AN: The song is 'bad town', it's a cover by 'Hollywood undead', the original is by Operation Ivy I think.

Warning: Foul language, smoking, implied character death.

-Russia's POV
Tue 5:30 PM

"Bel, what the fuck was that?" Goose asked, cold and harsh, as he started to drive away.

"Uh....." Belarus didn't reply, she just looked down at the road through the car's window.

The whole situation reminds me of how it used to be with our 'dad' as Bel calls him.


-Russia's POV-
Tue 5:30 PM

God, I want a cigarette.

"Hey, Goose?" I asked, caution lacing my voice.

"What?" He questioned, his voice slightly softer than before.

"Can I smoke a cig?" I asked, already having my lighter in hand.

"...yeah, just roll your window down." He told me, still not looking at Belarus or me.

"Thank you." I said, rolling my window down and lighting my cigarette.

Taking in a deep breath of smoke, I shut my eyes and held it in for a second as I thought about our lives.

Goose and I have been friends since forever on account of our parents having been friends.

East Germany was his mom, and was friends with our dad so we would visit her a lot when we were younger, she was like an aunt to all of us.

I miss her a lot.

"Hey, Rus, you good man?" Goose asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked, my voice sounding dryer than usual, as I exhaled smoke.

"I just looked back at you and you're pale as shit." Goose replied sounding as if he thought I was an idiot.

He probably did.

"I'm good, just really worn out from the adrenaline rush." I told him, taking another drag of my cigarette and looking at Belarus.

She was leaning her head in her palm as she slept.

I love her, I think she's my favorite sibling now.

-Chapter end-

-Author's note-

Sorry it takes so long for me to update books, I'm trying to update more but I can't really because of school and shit.

Thanks for reading comrades, see you later.

(Word count: 359)

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