Chapter 3: hangin' out.

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AN: I listened to 'Beachboy' while making this, it's by 'McCafferty'.

Warning: Foul language.

-Russia's POV-
Tue 2:10 PM

"Alright loser, get your stuff, we're going." America said, looking up from his phone and walking towards the door.

"Kay, just give me a second." I replied, setting my cup down and walking to my room to grab my phone.

-Russia's POV-
Tue 2:13 PM

"So, where are we meeting Vietnam at?" I asked America while he locked the door behind us.

"At the coffee shop down the street; now let's go!" He yelled, causing me to wince; he's always been loud.

"Why do you yell so much?" I asked, baffled as to how he was still able to talk with how much he was yelling.

"Cause' I wanna." America said, turning to walk away.

Letting out a sigh, I walked after him.

-Time skip-

-Russia's POV-
Tue 2:25 PM

After a short while, we made it to the coffee shop.

"So, you ready?" America asked with a smile as we stood in front of the building.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I replied with a tired huff, reluctant to go in expecting the place to be packed like usual.

Walking into the coffee shop, we spotted Vietnam sitting in a back corner waving us over.

"Hey, America." She greeted with a warm smile.

"Howdy, Nam'." America said, smiling to her as we got closer.

"Hi, Vietnam." I said, feeling slightly out of place.

"Hey Russia, it's been a while." Vietnam remarked, seeming surprised by me being here.

"Can we sit now?" America asked, letting out an impatient huff.

"I don't know why you're asking me." I replied bitterly, as I sat g down in the seat, my legs tucked up uncomfortably because of my height.

"So, how have y'all been?" America asked us after he sat down too.

"I've been good, thanks for asking." Vietnam said smiling.

"How about you Russia?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Um, good I guess." I told her, rubbing my knuckles out of habit.

Yeah, good.

"What have you been doing lately America?" Vietnam asked him

"Ah, ya know, the usual; reading, partying, and getting drunk." America said with a slight laugh.

"Heh, I feel you." Vietnam laughed with him.

"Also, here." She said as she passed America and I both a menu.

"Thank you." I said to Vietnam.

"Yeah, thanks, Dude." America thanked too.

"Of course. why wouldn't I get you guys menus?" She joked, faking offense.

"I don't know, but still, Thanks." America said, being sincere for once.

"So, what are ya gonna order?" America asked, resting his face against his hand whilst looking at the menu.

"Dude, we just sat down, hold on a minute." I frustratedly told him, I've never liked being rushed; who does?

"Fine." He wined.

God, He's so annoying it's almost impressive.

-Chapter end-

-Author's note-

Sorry for rushing this chapter I just had to get something out before I have to go for a little bit.

My friend didn't have any pictures of Vietnam, sorry.

Thanks for reading comrades, see you later.

(Word count: 527)

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