Chapter 16: Loud music.

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AN: I found this song with English lyrics for y'all; it's called '19' and is by 'ssshhhiiittt!'.

Warning: Foul language.

-Russia's POV-
Tue 7:20 PM

"I'm gonna head home, it's been a rough day and I'm tired." Goose said taking out his car keys.

"Yeah, me too; sorry America." Japan said yawning.

Oh hey, Goose's car is right here.

"Alright Dudes, have a good night." I told them as they started to walk off.

"Thanks, you guys too." Gooses said as he opened his car door and got in.

-America's POV-
Tue 7:53 PM

I was sitting on the couch looking at my phone when I heard a knock at the door.

"I'll be right there!" I shouted, setting my phone down, and walking to the door.

"Hey, Ukraine." I greeted, Ukraine suddenly seeming happier.

"Oh, hey America; I thought you were Russia." Ukraine told me with a laugh.

"Nah, just me; anyways, whatcha need?" I asked letting Ukraine inside.

"I came to pick up Belarus and see how Russia was." They told me, walking inside.

"Good news then, because Belarus is asleep on the couch." I told them, walking over to the couch and pointing at Belarus.

"Thanks; but do you know where Russia is?" Ukraine asked, looking around the room.

"Uh, I think he's in his room." I told them, looking at Russia's room.

"Okay, thanks." Ukraine thanked me while waking up Belarus.

"Come on, get up." Ukraine said, shaking Belarus awake.

"Ugh, go away my head hurts." Belarus whined, pushing Ukraine's arm away.

"Belarus, come on, we need to go home." Ukraine told her, pulling on Belarus slightly.

"Fine; but do you have my crutches? My leg hurts." Belarus said, using Ukraine to stand up.

"No, but you can lean on me as we walk."Ukraine told her, holding her up slightly.

"Okay, thank you." Belarus said, leaning on Ukraine as they both walked to the door.

"By America; thanks for keeping Belarus for a while." Ukraine thanked me as they walked out the door.

I walked back to the couch and was about to sit down and relax when I heard loud music start to come from Russia's room.

Walking over to Russia's room I banged on the door.

"Dude what are you doing!?" I asked through the door.

"I'm listening to music; I didn't think it was that loud." I heard Russia say flatly.

"Could you not? It's late and I'm trying to go to chill out." I told him, slightly frustrating by the sudden loudness of his music.

"Yeah, I'll be quiet." He told me, stopping his music.

"Thanks." I said before walking to my room and going to bed.

-Russia's POV-
Tue 8:24 PM

"Your welcome." I said quietly to myself.

Fucking ass-hole.

He's loud as fuck, and yet when I do literally anything he gets mad and tries to start fights.

I turned off the light by my bed and threw my phone on my small nightstand.

Afterward, I took off my jacket and undressed putting on my pajamas by my bed; then I laid down and tried to sleep.

-Chapter end-

-Authors note-

I wrote from personal experience when it comes to the negative thoughts, so I'm sorry if it sounds unrealistic, but I like to think I'm real.

Thanks for reading comrades, see you later.

(Word count: 565)

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