Chapter 14: The shade's nice.

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AN: I listened to 'Le Deux' by 'Hollywood undead' while writing this.

Warning: Foul language, puking, smoking.

-Russia's POV-
Tue 5:39 PM

"I'm good, just really worn out from the adrenaline rush." I told him, taking another drag of my cigarette and looking at Belarus.

She was leaning her head in her palm as she slept.

I love her, I think she's my favorite sibling.

-Russia's POV-
Tue 5:39 PM

"Hey Goose, could we go to the coffee shop a little bit away from here so Belarus and I could talk?" I asked still couscous to not annoy him more.

He's always been a little short tempered.

"Yeah, we'll be there in a bit." He told me, flatly.

"Thanks." I said kindly, trying to keep him from being upset again.

Finishing off my cigarette I flicked it out the window; leaving it rolled down to feel the air blow my short hair around.

I scooted around in the backseat trying to get comfortable; once I did, I relaxed and slowly started to fall asleep.

-Time Skip-

-Russia's pov-
Tue 6:20 PM

I woke up as Goose was parking his car by the curb.

"Hey man, you up?" Goose asked, looking in the backseat at me and Bel.

"Yeah, just give me a sec." I told him trying to wake myself up.

After a few seconds, I was more awake; so I leaned over and woke Belarus up too.

"Bel, get up we're at the coffee shop." I said, as I shook her shoulder.

"Ugh, I feel like shit." Belarus said, rubbing her head and squinting on account of the light.

"Sorry." I said trying to sound sympathetic, but ultimately failing.

The three of us got out of the car and started to walk into the little shop.

"Do you guys want anything? I'll pay."Goose asked as we approached the counter.

"Can I have water with a little bit of ice in it?" Belarus asked, shielding her eyes from the light as they talked.

"Sure; how about you Russ?" Goose asked me, sounding sweet.

"Can I have a blueberry coffee with cream and sugar?" I quietly asked, being nervous that I sounded rude.

"Course dude, do you guys wanna pick a place outside to sit?"

"Alright; come on Bel." I said as I started to lead Belarus outside.

Belarus wanted to sit away from the sunlight, so we sat at a table in the shade of the building.

After a few minutes, Goose came back with our things.

"Here you go." Goose said, handing me and Belarus our drinks.

"Thank you." Bel and I said, almost in-sink.

After that Goose sat down with a cup of something.

"What did you get?" I asked him.

"I got a coffee with caramel." He told me, taking a sip of his drink.

"That sounds nice." I said, looking over to see an incredibly pale Belarus.

"Hey, Are you doing alright?" I asked, growing increasingly concerned.

"I feel like I'm gonna puke and my leg is killing me." She told me.

"Do you need me to help you to the bathroom?" I asked her.

"Yeah, if you don't mind." She responded.

"Alright." I said standing and helping her out of her seat.

Belarus and I slowly made our way to the bathroom; once we did, she leaned over the toilet and I held her hair up.

-Chapter end-

-Author's note-

Thanks for reading comrades, see you later.

(Word count: 583)

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