Chapter 11: Fun times.

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AN: I listened to 'No other place' by 'Hollywood undead', it's a pretty good song if you wanna party.

Warning: Foul Language, mentions of being drunk, mentioned self-harm, hinted at abuse.

-America's POV-
Tue 7:34 PM

"...Yeah, sorry dude." I apologized, feeling kinda bad for antagonizing them so much.

"Your good man, just...quiet down a little." Russia said, sounding tired.

Weird, he's never nice.

-Russia's POV-
Tue 4:42 PM

America, Goose, and I were sitting in the living room talking when my phone suddenly started to ring.

Stopping the conversation we were having, I took out my phone to answer it.

shit, it's Ukraine.

I walked into the kitchen as to not be rude, in case Ukraine was mad and was gonna yell at me.

In the kitchen, I answered my phone and held it to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered, hoping that Ukraine would be calling me just to check in for once.

"Hey uh, bel is like really drunk and is crying about 'you-know-who' and might end up hurting herself. and no, she didn't want to talk about it." Ukraine told me sounding slightly annoyed with it all.

"She's been drinking again!?" I questioned, panicking.

What the fuck?

How are they so calm about all this?

It's like they don't even care about Bel.

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute." I said, hanging up the phone and putting it back into my jean pocket.

"Goose, I need you to drive me to Ukie's." I told Goose while rushing back into the living room

"What, dude why?" He asked me, seeming to panic as he sat up in his chair.

"Why do you think?" I asked rhetorically, practically running to the front door and grabbing my keys.

"Right, let's go." Goose said as he stood and followed me out the door.

-Time skip-

-Russia's POV-
Tue 4:54 PM

"Hey, Goose could you stay in the car? I'll be right back." I asked Goose as he parked his car.

"Course man. Do you want me to pick you up in a little?" Goose asked me.

"Sure, and thank you." I told him as I got out of the car, closing the door behind me.

I watched Goose drive away as I rushed up the steps and to the front door.




"Ukie, open the door!" I yelled, hoping that they'd hear me.

"...Пап (dad)!?" Belarus shouted as they swung the door open.

"It's Russia, not him." I almost yelped.

Belarus was kinda drunk, but she'd never think I was him when she was sober.


"Oh, sorry Russia." Belarus apologized as she moved to hug me and drag me inside.

"Hey bel, do you know where Ukraine is?" I asked her as she let go of me, shut the door behind us.

"Oh, Ukraine, uh, I think he went to the little shop down the street." She told me as she stumbled to the couch.

So it's him today.

Is he fucking stupid?

"Oh, thanks for telling me." I said as I sat in a chair beside the couch.

"Are you alright though?" I asked, worried she'd hurt herself.

"Yeah, I guess, I-I'm just sad." She said, sitting down near me and laying her head down on a pillow.

"How come?" I questioned, already knowing the answer, but wanting to make her feel better.

"I miss Dad, I really wish I could see him again." She told me, grabbing the other pillow that was beside her to hug.

"I know, but you know how bad he was." I said, trying not to sound harsh.

"No, you don't know; he was a good man." She said, suddenly angry.

"Bel, you know what he was like, you know what he did to the rest of us." I said, probably sounding ridiculous to her.

"He was amazing to me and you! why do you hate him so much, and never bother to even say his name?" She practically cried as her already red eyes started tearing up again.

"Because if it weren't for him, the only other blood-related family I ever cared about would still be alive!" I shouted, growing frustrated with the same conversation we've had over a million times already.

"What the fuck are you two yelling about!?" Ukraine yelled as he harshly opened the front door while holding a plastic bag.

"Russia is being cruel." Belarus cried.

"Russia, what did you do this time?" Ukraine asked harshly as he shut the door behind himself and walked into the kitchen.

"I didn't do anything, Belarus started off on how 'dad' was a good person and I didn't agree with her." I told him, defending myself.

"Russia, come here, Belarus, you stay where you are." He called from the kitchen.

"Fine, just hold on." I said as I got up off the couch with a huff of annoyance.


I just sat down.

"what do you want?" I asked walking into the kitchen to see him emptying the bag on the counter.

-Chapter end-

-Author's note-

This was kind of a filler chapter just to show y'all what happened before they met up with America and Japan.

Thanks for reading comrades, see you later.

(Word count: 880)

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