Chapter 15: Family sucks.

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AN: I listened to 'Ghost out' when I wrote this it's by 'Hollywood undead' like almost every other song in this book.

Warning: Foul language, vomiting, smoking, arguing.

-Russia's POV-
Tue 6:42 PM

"I feel like I'm gonna puke and my leg is killing me." She told me.

"Do you need me to help you to the bathroom?" I asked her.

"Yeah, if you don't mind." She responded.

"Alright." I said standing and helping her out of her seat.

Belarus and I slowly made our way to the bathroom; once we did, she leaned over the toilet and I held her hair up.

-Russia's POV-
Tue 6:55 PM

After Belarus threw up, I was standing by the sink as she rinsed her mouth out with water.

"I wish Dad was here; he'd help." Belarus said, suddenly .

"No, he wouldn't; he would watch the rest of the kids suffer while he helped you." I told Belarus without care.

"Why do you say 'helped you' as if he didn't help you too?" Belarus asked harshly while glaring at me.

"There are things he did that you don't know about, Belarus." I told her.

"I don't give a shit; he cared for us, and you're just too stuck up to admit it!" Belarus shouted at me as we left the bathroom and went outside.

We were still arguing as we sat back down at the table with Goose.

If I'm going to continue this 'conversation' I need a cigarette.

Not bothering to ask, I took out my pack of cigarettes and lit one.

"Look at yourself, you're just like dad; you even smoke the same cigarettes as him!" Belarus shouted catching my off guard.

"Shut the fuck up Bel!" Goose said harshly.

"Stay out of it, you feathery-fuck." Bel told him, going back to glaring at me.

She doesn't get to treat Goose like shit, I'm done!

Taking a drag of my cigarette I stood up and got closer to Belarus.

"Bel, you can't keep doing this, I get that you miss him but you're dragging everyone down with you!" I shouted at Bel causing her to start to tear up.

"Oh come on, coming from you that's rich." Belarus said with a bitter laugh while whipping her tears.

"At least I tried to change unlike you." I told Bel coldly

"We're leaving, so unless you want to come with us, you can stay here and whine." I said as I dropped my cigarette butt and started to walk away, with Goose following me.

"Russia, wait, please, I'm sorry." Belarus begged, grabbing onto my jacket.

"Wait, Russia?" I heard a voice ask, as I tour Bel's hands away from my jacket

"America?" I asked, turning around to see him and Japan standing there looking concerned.

"Yeah, but what's going on?" He asked, looking around me, I assume to see Belarus and Goose.

"None of your business." I said, coldly, having already had a bad day.

"Come on bel, get your sorry ass up." I told Belarus harshly, starting to walk away again.

"Fine." She sniffled, wiping her nose.

"Thank you." I said to Belarus as we passed by America and Japan.

"Hey, where are y'all going?" America asked, rushing after the three of us.

"America, maybe we shouldn't." I heard Japan say.

"Nonsense." America replied.

What an idiot.

"So, where y'all going?" America asked again.

He just can't take 'no' for an answer, can he?

"Where do you think? Our dorm, dumb-ass." I answered while picking up my pace

"Name-calling is rude." America said sounding like a bitch.

"Can you shut up!? It's been a long day!" Goose suddenly snapped after having been so quiet for so long.

"...Yeah, sorry dude." America apologized, sounding sincere and like he regretted his actions.

"Your good man, just...quiet down a little." I told him, feeling exhausted.

America and Japan walked with us for a second when Goose stopped.

"I'm gonna head home, it's been a rough day and I'm tired." Goose said taking out his car keys.

Oh hey, his car is right here.

"Alright dude, have a good night." I told him as he started to walk off.

"Thanks, you guys too." He said as he opened his car door and got in.

-Chapter end-

-Author's note-


We're back where we used to be!

Thanks for reading comrades, see you later.

(Word count: 739)

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