Chapter 4: coffee!

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AN: I listened to 'New day' by 'Hollywood undead' when I wrote this.

Warning: Foul language, character with no appetite.

-Russia's POV-
Tue 2:38 PM

"So, what are ya gonna order?" America asked, resting his face against his hand whilst looking at the menu.

"Dude, we just sat down, hold on a minute." I frustratedly told him, I've never liked being rushed; who does?

"Fine." He wined.

God, He's so annoying it's almost impressive.

-Russia's POV-
Tue 2:38 PM

"So, like if we're not ordering food yet, what are we doing?" America asked, huffing in frustration.

"Talking with each other, you dumb-ass." I told him, slightly annoyed.

"Okay, jeez man, I was just asking." America said, putting his hands up and pretending to be scared.

"So are you guys friends now?" Vietnam asked, obviously confused.

"Of course we ar-." America tried to say before I cut him off.

"No, we aren't, and we never will be." I spat, bitterly.

"Cutting people off is rude." America said, pretending to not notice how much I hate him.

"Okay, I was just wondering, You know, because you share a room and you're sitting beside each other." Vietnam said

"I'd never be friends with a dick like him." I said, glaring at America.

"Heh, well uh, what have you been doing recently, Russia?" Vietnam asked me.

"I uh, well, I've been trying to get my grades up I guess." I told her, giving an awkward smile.

"That's good, do you have any fun though?" She asked again, making me shift in my seat uncomfortably.

"...uh, yeah, I put music on and draw, it's pretty nice." I said, having to think about it for a second.

"Pff, that's lame dude." America said, laughing at me.

I fucking know.

"America! Shut the fuck up." Vietnam finally snapped.


".....sorry Nam'." America apologized, with his head down slightly.

"you know, why don't we just order something, maybe we're all just grouchy and hungry?" America offered.

"Yeah, I guess, seeing as sitting and talking wasn't very successful." Vietnam said with a small laugh.

"Sure." I said with a tired sigh.

-Time skip-

-Russia's POV-
Tue 3:12 PM

America, Vietnam, and I had gotten our food and drinks a while ago and had eaten and surprisingly, they were a lot more bearable to be around.

America got a cup of piping hot coffee with cream, sugar, and a muffin, Vietnam had a green tea and a sweet bun with butter and I had a plain blueberry coffee.

I wish I had an appetite, I'm hungry and yet the thought of eating makes me feel like I'm gonna vomit.

I'll just eat later.

"Ruski!" I heard America shout at me.

"Dude, what?" I asked.

"Bro why'd you just get coffee?" America asked me.


"I don't know, I wasn't really hungry, and I didn't want to force myself to eat." I told him, not really lying but not exactly telling the truth.

"That makes sense, solid logic Dude." America told me, putting his fist up so we could fist-bump.

"no thanks, man." I said, taking a drink of my coffee.

It doesn't taste that great.

But hey, what are you gonna do?

"Okay." America huffed.

-Chapter end-

-Author's note-

Sorry, I had to skip the last update day, but at least I'm back now!

Thanks for reading comrades, see you later.

(Word count: 561)

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