Chapter 12

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Lucy pov

Two days. I haven't come out if my room for two days. I plan on leaving without anyone noticing me later. So I have to wait until it's late at night. Yukinos come it and tried to convince me to come eat, but I only ate when someone gave me food in my room. Throughout the time I've stayed in here, I've packed some things and hid what I was doing to yukino.

"Lucy please. We're all worried about you. I promise that nobody's mad at you. Please come out." Yukino pleaded, but I didn't budge. I didn't even answer. She could come in if she wants to because the doors unlocked.

I heard her footsteps fade away as she left. I went to my desk and started writing letters. I only wrote two. One that I would leave on the counter for yukino, and one that I would slip underneath stings door. After that I would leave. I know that I'm doing exactly what natsu did, but I'm doing this to protect everyone else. It seems like everytime I'm happy, something has to ruin it. And I'm not willing to ruin other people's happiness for my own.

As the sun went down and it was dark, I knew that yukino would be in bed by now. I memorized her sleep schedule a few weeks ago on accident.

I slipped out of my room quietly and set the letter for yukino on the counter. I grabbed the two bags I have and went to the fridge, taking a few pieces of fruit and some drinks with me. I walked out of the apartment and I felt tears threaten my eyes. I knew that sting goes to bed early sometimes so he can get an early start on his paperwork. Yukino mentioned something about him being backed up because of how long he was gone. So he should be asleep by now.

I slipped his letter underneath his door and walked away quickly, before someone would see me. I felt tears fall down my face and I didn't even try to wipe them away. It was more comforting to me to express emotions instead of bottling them up.

I started for the woods. By the time I would get to a decent spot to stay, sting would probably be getting up. Especially since I'm walking.
Sting pov
I woke up and lector woke up shortly after me. I went to bed early last night because I wanted to get a head start on my paperwork, but that didn't happen. Once I showered and got dressed I ate some breakfast before heading to the door. I stopped when I saw a letter in front of the door. It smelled like Lucy.

I picked the letter up and opened it. Lector was floating next to me and what we read made us both scared there tears would fall.

Dear sting,

It breaks my heart to do this but it must be done. I can't keep putting the people I care about in danger. I'm leaving for a bit because I need to work on ways to protect you and everyone in the guild. It makes me sad, but it seems like everytime I'm happy something goes wrong. I'll be back eventually, I just don't know when. Until then, I can't be in contact with you as it would hurt me even more. Maybe when I get back I can make it up to you somehow. I left a letter for yukino at the apartment, so make sure to check on her for me okay? Don't worry, I won't be gone permanently.

Xoxo, Lucy

I rushed out of my room and ran over to yukinos apartment. I knocked on the door and had to wait a few minutes before and answered. She opened the door and it looked like I woke her up.

"Sting, what are you doing here? You need to get your paperwork done." I pushed her in to the apartment

"Is Lucy here?" She looked at me confused.

"Yeah but she still won't leave her room. You can try to get her out." She lead me and lector to Lucy's room and knocked. No answer. "Lucy." She knocked again. "She normally wakes up with one knock. She's been on edge. LUCY!" She knocked harder. It was almost confirming my suspicion. "Lucy I'm coming in." She opened the door and gasped. "Her bed is empty! Let me check the bathroom." She ran into the bathroom and I checked one of her drawers, to see if she left yukinos letter in here. Her clothes were missing.

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