Chapter 24

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Lucy pov

I pulled Minerva to a seat and she let a few tears fall. I smiled and held her hand, letting her take as much time she needed.

"Orga, was making jokes about you and Sting. Asking about kids and asking when the wedding is. Stuff like that." I nodded, already knowing this information. "And then he started cracking jokes about me and rogue. I guess he found out about us by overhearing us or something." I kept looking at her, letting her talk without interruption.

"That got to me and rogue making jokes back. It was fine until rogue said something along the lines of how he wasn't sure about that part of our future yet." I gasped, surprised about how rogue would say something like that publicly.

"I got a little hurt. And since I was drunk when it started, I was really upset. I confronted him about it and he got confused. He said that I was taking things out of context." Minerva paused and looked for something to drink.

"I'll be right back. I'll get you some water." I stood up and went over to the bar area and grabbed a cup. I looked for the sink and poured Minerva a cup while sting came over to me.

"So, what did Minerva say?" He asked me. I sighed and sat the cup next to me before looking at him.

"I guess a confrontation gone wrong. What did rogue say?" I responded. Sting rolled his eyes and grabbed a glass.

"Something about Minerva mistaking him for saying something. He mentioned that orga was making jokes and rogue simply told him that they weren't sure about they're future yet. But he said that he wants a future with her, he just doesn't know how Minerva felt at the time." I was really getting a headache.

"Well, Minerva said something similar to that. Only she thought that Rogue wasn't sure about their relationship and went to talk to him about it." Sting drank some of the water out of his cup and nodded towards the two. Signaling me to get back out and help.

I took minervas water and went back to her. She was just sitting there with a concentrated face.

"So, back to what you were saying." I said as I handed her the glass. She downed it quickly and set the glass on the table before clearing her throat.

"I got upset with him, it felt like he was calling me a liar when I wasn't." I nodded and grabbed her hand again. "Do you think he doesn't trust me? After what happened with Tartarus, I wouldn't blame him." My eye widened at her question.

"No! I don't think that's the case. Did he ask you on the date? Or did you ask him?" I questioned her.

"He asked me." She mumbled under her breath.

"He wouldn't have asked if he didn't trust you." She sighed and layed her head down on the table. "Did you ever think, that maybe he said that because he didn't want to freak you out? Maybe he thought that those questions were to fast for you?" Minerva raised her head, shocked at my inquiry.

"I-I never thought about it that way." I smiled and rubbed her back.

"I thought so." I said while standing up. I looked at sting and we made eye contact. He nodded at me and I nodded at him, meaning we had a mutual agreement. "Now, this is entirely up to you. But I think you should try talking to him again. Since you've sobered up a bit." Minerva nodded at me and took in a deep breath.

"Alright, I guess I'll give it a shot." She said while standing up. I watched as she walked over to rogue nervously. Rogue looked surprised at her walking to him.

Sting looked back at me and left the two alone. He made his way over to me and we watched as the two conversed. We saw the two talk, quite nervously.

I could've help but smile at how the two were nervous. Who would've thought that two of the most confident people in sabertooth, would get flustered over something like this? I certainly didn't.

Words were being said, but only sting could hear what they were saying. I saw Minerva and rogue hold hands and they looked like they were reassuring each other.

Finally, I saw a hug and I crossed my arms in pride, as I smirked. This was playing out how I thought it would. Sting cleared his throat and looked at me awkwardly.

"I, owe you an apology." I scoffed and looked at him, not impressed.

"You think?" I replied. I looked back at Minerva and Rogue. They seemed fine and were smiling at each other. "We'll finish this conversation at home." I said before leaving.

Sting stayed a little longer and I ended up getting to the apartment before he did. Got a change of clothes and went to shower. A shower always made me feel better.

I relaxed as the water streamed down my back. When I was done, I got changed in the bathroom and started to brush out my hair. I heard the door open and brushed it off.

"Lucy?" I heard a familiar voice say. I peeked my head out of the bathroom and saw sting looking around.

"I'm brushing my hair in the bathroom." I said without any emotion. He came in and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Listen, I'm sorry about what I said earlier. I'm, not used to Minerva being soft and friendly." I sighed and sat the brush down before sting layed his head on my shoulder.

"It's not just that sting. Not only did you doubt minervas ability to control herself. You also doubted me! I thought you understood me better than that." I noticed stings eyes. He looked, guilty.

"I know, and I shouldn't have done that. But could you try to see things from my view? I'm supposed to make the best decisions for my guild members. So when it comes to things like this, I overreact and think the worst. I truly am sorry." He stood next to me and grabbed my hands, turning me to face him.

"I promise, I will try harder. Give me another chance, please." His eyes looked so sincere. He was on the verge of tears.

"Okay." I said while nodding. Sting pulled me into an embrace, holding me tightly. When he finally let go, he layed his head against mine. "We've had a tiresome day. Let's head to bed." I said. Sting nodded and we walked to the bedroom. Sting grabbed a change of clothes and got changed in the bathroom before climbing into bed with me.

I layed my head against his chest, and listened to his heartbeat.

"Minerva said that there was a lullaby you sang to her. And she thought i would like it." I felt my face get hot at the mentioning. "Can I hear it?" I nodded and we changed positions.

Sting now layed his head on my lap, while I played with his hair.

"Sun goes down and we are here together
Fireflies, glow like a thousand charms
Stay with me, and you can dream forever
Right here in my arms tonight

It's magic, when you are here beside me
Close your eyes and let me hold you tight
Everything, that I could ever need is
Right here in my arms tonight." I noticed stings breathing becoming more relaxed.

La la la, la la la
Stars begin to climb
La la la, la la la
La la la, la la
La la la, la la" I looked at sting, and his eyes were closed with a smile on his face.

"It's a beautiful song. I wish I could listen to you sing that forever." I blushed and I could tell sting was getting tired. I continued to play with his hair as he fell asleep.

Once I knew he was asleep, I moved him to lay down, and I snuggled into his chest, falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

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