𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟸

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Harry's POV:

It was 2 in the morning when my phone started blowing up with text messages. Who the fuck is texting me at 2 am? Then I check the screen, it was Dahlia, was she alright? I unlock my phone and open messages:

Dahlia: Harry

Dahlia: Harry

Dahlia: Harryyy

Me: Yes?

Dahlia: I have to tell you something really serious

Me: Oh ok what's wrong, all you alright?

Dahlia: I'm batman.

Oh, good lord, she's drunk. But I play along.

Me: No way

Dahlia: Yes way

I got to give it to her, she makes me laugh.

Me: Go to sleep love, you're drunk

Dahlia: Ok but I don't like taxi's I'll just walk

Crap she's not home, she can't walk an hour or more to her house drunk. I try calling her but she won't pick up, I text her hoping she would tell me where she is so I can pick her up but no response. Fuck.

What do I do now? I decide to get dressed and drive to any bar I could think of that was near and as I pass by Dahlia's Flower shop I see her. She's trying to unlock the door but she's so wasted she can't even find the keyhole.

I get out of my car and she sees me, "Hi Harry!! Whatcha doin here??"

"I'm driving you home" I laugh

"Okie Dokie."  "Oh wait, Estella!" she exclaimed

"What about her?" I ask

She points to a bench on the other side of the street where her friend is passed out and I sigh, "Alright, let's get you in the car first." I walk her to my car and help her in the front seat so her friend can lay in the back.

"I like your fancy car" she slurred.

"Thank you" I respond.

After getting her in the car I jog across the street and carry her friend to the car, oh god I hope no one thinks I'm kidnapping them.

I turn the car on and ask her where she lived but she was already passed out. I wouldn't normally go through a women's purse but I just needed to find her license for her address, she'll understand.

She was right when she said it was a long drive, how does she do this almost every day?? After individually carrying the two of them inside, I lay Estella on her couch, and take Dahlia to what I assume is her bedroom.

As I lay her down, I can't stop admiring how gorgeous she is but I stop because I didn't want to be creepy or anything.

I walk to the front door and get stopped by a dog, it's super cute but I don't want it to bark and wake the girls. So, I grab some unwrapped jerky that was left on the counter and throw it in the opposite direction.

"Go get it!" I loudly whisper, and it just sat there and stared at me like it was saying "Really?"

Instead of bribing it maybe we could become allies. So I crouch down and pet it, or should I say her, her collar said her name was Bella so I was just assuming.

She was a good dog but covered in dirt, she probably runs around outside all day not having a care in the world. What a life.

I quietly slip out the front door and lock it just in case and left the key under this little flower pot, I'll text Dahlia to let her know. I check the clock and see that it's already 3:37 a.m, that went by fast.

At least they got home safe.

The next morning

Dahlia's POV:

I unlock my phone and open my messages from Harry:

Harry: Hey I drove you and Estella home and left the key under the blue pot with white flowers on your porch.

Hope you're feeling better :)

P.S. There might be a random piece of jerky on the floor

What? I don't even care, I'm just glad we got home thanks to Harry. I'm not even going to ask how he knew my address.

Oh, he also left a voicemail checking in, that was sweet. It's already 2 in the afternoon I should probably get up.

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