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The next day

Harry's POV:

"What smells so good?" I smile walking into the kitchen where Dahlia and Amme are.

"I'm cooking" Dahlia says proudly

"Since when??" I joke

"Since now, I found a recipe online that I wanted to try"

The radio sitting on the counter starts playing Lovesong by Adele.

Dahlia's back is faced towards me as she rolls out a dough on the counter. I put my hands around her waist and spin her around.

"Babe I'm covered in flour" She laughs

"I don't care, dance with me" I smile

I spin her and her flour-covered hand hits my shirt by accident when she faces me.

"Don't worry darling" I assure her, taking her by her hand.

She looks the other way, I do the same to see what she's looking at, and it's Amelia on her back holding both her feet with a wide smile on her face.

"Oh my goodness" Dahlia gasps

Even if it's the smallest thing, anything she does amazes us. She's already 3 months which I refuse to believe.

We walked over and I pick Amme up cradling her in my arms. Dahlia looks down at her and they both have the cutest smiles.

We make our way back into the kitchen where we continue to dance together. Which is really just Dahlia and me swaying back in forth with Amelia in the middle.


This goes on until the song ends and the baby starts to fuss so I go upstairs to put her down for a nap. I close the door and feel my phone vibrate.

It's a text from Dahlia, I open it to see pictures of Winnie the Pooh character costumes. Oh right, Halloween is coming up soon.

It looks like I would be Winnie, Dahlia would be Kanga, and Amelia would be Roo.

Ok this is kind of cute.

Me- Are these pajamas??

Dahlia- I think so haha, but we're staying inside anyway. I thought it would be fun for Amme's first Halloween

Me- I think so too, you should get them

Dahlia- Yay! I will, and I may or may not have found outfits for Bella and Daffy 😁
I'll order those too.

Me- Of course you did

I chuckle and put my phone back in my pocket. I've been pretty bummed out lately, apparently the Met has been canceled this year due to safety which I get. But I really wanted to go.

I haven't told Dahlia yet and I hate that I have to because she was starting to get quite excited.

But it's not like we're just going to never wear our outfits...

Wait a minute, now I have an idea.

Just because it's canceled doesn't mean we don't get to have fun.

I'm pretty sure there's a hotel downtown that has a ballroom. I only remember because Niall stayed there for a few nights a while back.

After almost 20 minutes of looking for this place, I finally found it and called to book a reservation.

This may be spontaneous, but at least this way we can be spontaneous as a family.

Now I just need to pick what Amelia will wear.

I booked the ballroom for November 1st, which is in exactly 20 days. I've never really thrown a party like this myself.

Since it's a surprise and Dahlia can't know, I'll ask Gemma to help. She's good at these things, or just being organized in general.

I head back downstairs and Dahlia's setting the table with the dinner that she made.
"Wow this actually looks great" I say

"Excuse me, what's that supposed to mean?" She pouts, crossing her arms.

"No no it's just I've never seen you make anything other than smoothies and burnt toast" I chuckle, placing my hands on her shoulders, sliding them to her cheeks where I place a sweet kiss on her lips.

"Okay that's fair" she smiles, kissing me back.

With Amelia sleeping for longer periods of time now, we've been getting more time to spend together.

After she pulls away from the kiss, she wraps her arms around me and rests her face on my chest. "Lia?" I quietly say


"I don't mean to kill the mood, but I just found out the Met is canceled this year."

She lifts her head and makes eye contact with me, "Oh."

"I'm sorry, I know you were excited" I apologize, gently stroking her hair.

Even if it's not my fault, there's still a weird need to apologize.

"It's ok, we can just have our own little party here" she responds.

"Yeah, that sounds nice"  I smile


Anyway, both school and my mom have been a pain in my ass so I haven't been updating as much but I'll post the next chapter tomorrow.

ALSO I'm going to be starting to write One shots for Harry (I'll be taking requests)

ILY and thank you for reading <333

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