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Estella's POV:

When Dahlia put her dress on, it's like we both knew it was the one. It's not my taste at all but she looked stunning in it.

I was surprised she got a lingerie set, really surprised actually. She's never been one to spice up her sex life but good for her to be honest. On the drive to my parent's house, we talked about what ring to get Harry.

I get why she was nervous, he has incredible taste when it comes to fashion. So I recommended that she gets a ring with some kind of stone/crystal in it. It's not traditional which they both like, and it could have some kind of cool meaning behind it.

She seemed to really like the idea so that was good. She pulls into my parent's driveway and we get out of the car, we walk towards the house and she says; "Oh my gosh I totally forgot"

"What is it?" I ask

She jogs back to the car and grabs something in the front, she jogs back to me and bends down on one knee holding out a ring pop

"Estella Romano, will you make me the happiest woman in the world and be my maid of honor?" she smiles

I play along, "Of course I will!!" I hold out my hand and she slides the ring on my pinkie finger and we laugh

"You're so extra" I joke


When we got inside, we all sat down for some wine and pasta for lunch and Dahlia decided to share her news.

"So, you know that news I wanted to tell you about in person? Well, I'm getting married" she smiles brightly as she shows them her ring.

"Oh my goodness! Dahlia congratulations!" my mom said

Just like Dahlia's mom, my mom is American. Our moms met in college and moved to Italy when Dahlia's mom got engaged to an Italian man. My mom is an artist so it worked out because she got to move to one of the most beautiful places in the world to paint and still live by her best friend.

She ended up meeting my dad at the restaurant he was working at as a waiter at the time. Two years later, they got married and had me. She taught my dad was English and he taught her Italian so I speak both fluently, but for some reason, we all mostly speak English.

After Dahlia's parents passed away, my mom kind of took her under her wing when she came back from college. She and I helped re-build the Ricci's flower shop which is by coincidence, across from our bookstore.

"Have you set the date yet?" mom says

"No, not yet, it's only been a few weeks" she grinned

"Well, let me know if you need anything" "I'm really good at planning things"

"We know mom, we know" I joke and everyone laughs, my mom is known to be a bit of an organization/planning freak

"I will Charlotte thank you" Dahlia chuckles


Dahlia's POV:

We finish lunch and talk for a bit before I leave, I have to find a way to sneak the dress past Harry without him noticing. It's not that I don't want him to know exactly, I just want it to be more of a surprise. If that makes sense

I decided to leave it in the trunk of my car, I have a Prius and it has this secret space to put things under the carpet in the trunk. You don't really know it's there unless you have a Prius yourself, so I put it there until I can find somewhere to put it in the house.

When I open the front door, I'm greeted by two slobbery monsters. Daffy is now bigger than Bella which is funny to me. I look around the house and it's empty so I yell, "Harry, I'm home!"


I text him asking where he was and he didn't respond until an hour later;

I do what he says and call E, I feel bad because she just got here and we decide to meet at the hospital

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I do what he says and call E, I feel bad because she just got here and we decide to meet at the hospital. When we get there we see Niall sleeping with cuts and bruises all over his body along with an arm cast, I feel so bad.

But what's Niall even doing here in the first place?

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