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The next day

Harry's POV:

Recently Dahlia's pregnancy cravings have started. The doctor said it can really start any time during the pregnancy (some women don't even get them) and all Dahlia has been eating are peaches.

A lot of peaches.

But the way she eats them is so specific, they have to be cold and drizzled with honey, or else she won't even look at it.

I'm not judging or anything, I actually find it quite funny.

Other than the cravings, she's been more emotional than lately which is expected. A commercial came on the television the other day about dogs in the shelters and she just started sobbing. 5 minutes later she was fine.

What's probably going to be the hardest thing for her is hiding her bump for as long as she can. She wants to work until she's at the end of her pregnancy which is fine, I'd rather her enjoy herself than just sitting around the house all day.

However, I don't know how to explain this to the media. I know how it'll go and I want to avoid that for as long as possible.

I was just thinking of announcing it when the baby's born along with our engagement.

We're actually going to find out the baby's sex today and Gemma's coming along, my mum wanted to be here but she couldn't make it so she'll just be on facetime instead.


Dahlia's POV:

In the car on the way to the doctor's, Gemma and I are guessing what the sex of the baby will be.

"I'm saying it's a boy," Gemma said

"Me too" I agreed "Babe, what about you?"

"Girl" Harry said confidently

"How can you be so sure?" I ask

"I just know" he smiled


The waiting room was empty which was pretty nice.

Dr. Louise walks out of one room to lead us to another, I lay on the bed, there's only one other chair so Harry offers the seat to Gemma while he stands.

Such a gentleman

Gemma calls Anne so that she's here too, I've gotten really close with her. Since my mom isn't here it feels good to have a mother-figure like Anne.

"How are you dear?" Anne asks
"I'm good, really excited" I respond
"I bet, so am I"

She asks me basic questions about my health and how the pregnancy is going.

"Alright you remember this from last time" she says holding the tube of gel so she can start the ultrasound.

"There's baby"  she points to the screen

"Wow, so big already" Harry says in awe squeezing my hand"I know" I whisper

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"Wow, so big already" Harry says in awe squeezing my hand
"I know" I whisper

"Would you like to know the sex?" Dr asks

I look at Harry and he nods "Yes please" I said

She looks at the screen and writes some things down before answering.

"Alright, congratulations you two! You're having a baby girl!"

My heart skips a beat and I'm already emotional again. It just all feel so real now, I'm having a little girl.

Harry's eyes meet mine, he smiles and says "Told you so"

"You did, we're having a girl"

"I'm a little mad I lost, but I can't wait to meet my little niece" Gemma says and we chuckle

"I had a feeling it was a girl" Anne added
"How come?" I ask
"The girl gene is very prominent in our family, Harry was just a fluke" she joked

"Now you have plenty of time to think of a name" the doctor suggests

"Oh right I forgot about that part"

The doctor wipes the gel off my stomach and prints out the ultrasound picture to give to us.

"Congrats again, you both will make wonderful parents" she said as were walking out
"Thank you" I smile
In the car Gemma and I are already talking about clothes shopping and Harry rolls his eyes playfully.

"I have to warn you, I'm going to spoil her rotten" she said
"I'm going to have to try hard to not to do the same thing" I laugh
"It's early but do you have any names in mind?"

I look at Harry he just shrugs and says, "I have a few ideas but I don't know"
"You do?" I ask
"I mean, yeah"
"What are they?"

I'm actually pretty curious, Harry and I haven't even talked about this yet. But he's a creative person I'm sure he has some pretty names.

"I really love Amelia" he answered

Wow, I love that name.

Not just saying that because he just suggested it. I really love it

"Do you like it?" He asks
"Harry it's actually perfect"
"Wait really?"
"Yeah, I love it"

"It really is a beautiful name" Gemma agrees
"Is it too early to already have a name picked out?" I giggle

"I don't think so, I think if we know then we know" Harry said
"Well I know, do you"
"Definitely" he grinned

"What about a middle name" Gemma asks
"Oh right" he mumbles
"What about Anne?" I suggest

Harry looks at me "My mother's name?"

"Well, what other Anne's do you know?" I laugh

"Babe I love it" he beams
"Amelia Anne Styles, has a nice ring to it" Gemma says

"It does doesn't it"


Ok that chapter was adorable.

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