𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟻𝟿

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Two days later...

Dahlia's POV:

"How'd it go?" I ask Harry as he walks through the front door. He left about an hour ago and went to the police station to talk about what happened with Owen.

"It went well, we'll have to go to court on the 20th of November" he replies, looking down at a paper. "So in about 17 days. Since the party was such a private event and the only people there were people I knew, the press barely knows anything. There's a rumor that I broke off our engagement (don't even know how that came up) but I ended those pretty quickly. Other than that, we have a whole bunch of other shit that needs to be taken care of"

I pause and look up from Amelia in my lap, "Do you think... we're going to be ok?"

"Hey.." Harry sets the paper down on a nearby table and comes closer, kneeling down in front of Amelia and I "of course we are, it's us" he smiles softly.

"It's just," my eyes tear up "this is all my fault and this wouldn't have all happened if I didn't talk to him in the first place." I cry putting Amelia in her pen.

Instead of saying something immediately, Harry is there, holding both my hands, rubbing them softly with his thumbs, letting me know that he's listening.

"I guess I was expecting to get some kind of closure for the trauma that I had, I don't know why I thought he had changed the slightest. But I just gave him a second chance that he didn't deserve. I'm so sorry I brought you in to this mess Harry."

Within the few moments of silence, he moves his hands from mine to wipe the tears rolling down my cheeks.

His voice gets quiet, "Don't ever be sorry for this, I've never been through what you have, not even close. And sure this situation was a mistake, but a fixable one. I love you and Amelia more than life itself and I would do anything to protect you two. We'll get through this together, and then we'll go back to our beach days and garden picnics before you know it." He smiles.

"Promise?" I smile back, leaning towards him

He leans closer to me, whispers "Promise" and places a soft kiss on my lips.

Of course it shortly interrupted by Amelia giggling across the room. We both look at her at to same time and slightly gasp when we see her on her stomach fully lifting her her up with a toy in her hand.

"Oh my goodness" I squeal rushing towards her

"Take a picture" Harry says as we're both knelt by her pen.

"I don't have my phone!" I whisper-shout

"Neither do I!" He responds

"I'll go get it, keep her stalled"

"Ok" he says

My phone is upstairs so I jog and get it off my bed and rush back downstairs, nearly tripping on everything.

"She moved, but we'll get it next time" he assures


It's funny how I never thought I'd be like this, running around trying to get my phone so I could take 100 pictures of my daughter holding her head up for the first time.

But I guess motherhood is never what you expect.


I should probably call Estella, I feel so bad for not clearing much up. I made sure to let her know that we're ok of course, but not much about the whole situation besides what she already saw.

Her number is the one of the first numbers to show when I open my phone app so I click it.

It just rings until it beeps to tell me to leave a voicemail.

Her phone is always on silent so I leave one;

Hey Stel, I can't explain how sorry I am for putting you Niall, and everyone else in a really bad circumstance. I would love to see you soon and just tell you everything so it's all cleared up. Please call me back so I know you're ok, I love you bye.

Sorry this was such a sucky chapter

I'm working on some much better ones :)

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