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Harry's POV:


I look behind me and see a man in a bush with a camera, this is my fault, I chose for us to go to this public beach where there are more people.

I try to block Dahlia's face by sitting in front of her but they may have already gotten a picture. We ignore him and he walks away after 10 minutes. Guess we can't go in public places now.

Dahlia has to deal with her anxiety already and her job, I hate that she's going to be on the internet now. It can be really horrible, the things people say about you, rumors, and all because you can say whatever you want and nobody will know it was you.

That's probably the worst part of the internet, all these people who are too scared to say something in person, just say whatever they want online.

Sure it can be cool, but I've seen so many rumors about myself I'm starting to believe some of them are true. I'm pretty sure I've been married, died a few times, and have kids I didn't knew exist.

I also hate that since I was a teenager I've always been labeled as the "Womanizer." It's so fucking messed up, women aren't objects and should being treated like them.

We start to walk towards the car with our stuff and Bella, I notice these girls pointing at us but that's not anything new. It's summer and a  lot more kids are hanging out around here during the day.

Speaking of summer, Dahlia's birthday is coming up and I planned a day out for us. It's a a surprise and she has no idea, I've only told Estella to ask her if she would like if and she said yes.

It's on July 25th which is in a week so I have plenty of time to find her gift. I know she'll say that the day out is enough, but I want to get her something she'll really like.


Dahlia's POV:

The whole ride I could tell Harry was mad about the picture.

To be honest, I am too. I knew dating Harry would be like this and sure it kinda sucks but what can I do about it? I sure as hell won't sit around and mope.

Harry and I make dinner and talk, after we finish and clean the kitchen we go sit on the couch to watch a movie.

I walk over to grab my phone because I left it here all day and I was just checking stuff. I have 28 messages from everyone.

Apparently that picture of Harry and I is trending. I open the first article I see and the title reads:


I mean, I've been called worse.
I see Harry's phone on the table and I put it in the basket on top of the fridge along with mine. I'm not trying to be controlling or anything, I just want tonight to be enjoyable for the both of us.

He just stressed when it comes to this stuff, it means a lot to me because I know he cares and he's just being protective. But I get where he's coming from, I couldn't imagine being famous my whole life and just not having any privacy.

I go back to the couch and lay my head on his chest while he puts his hand on my thigh. We're halfway through the movie and he says;
I was falling asleep so I just hum in response,
"Are you all in?" He asks
"Us, are you all in for this relationship?"
I lift my head and look at him before placing a soft kiss on his lips.
"Yes Harry I'm all in."
He kisses me back
"I love you"
"And I love you"

One of the things my parents said that stuck to me was to say I love you instead of I love you too, if I really loved the person it wouldn't need to seem like I was obligated to say it back.

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