𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹𝟶

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Sorry it's taken so long for an update, our wifi was out for like a week :(

(Also I may or may not be writing another book in addition to this one and it may or may not be an enemies-to-lovers)


Harry's POV:

When I got the call from the hospital saying that Niall was in an accident, I didn't really know what to think. I did what I had to do and drove to the hospital as fast as I could to make sure he was alright, but why was he here in the first place?

I got to the hospital right before he went into surgery and he was covered in cuts and bruises.

"Oh my god Niall, what happened mate??" I said
"I flew in to surprise Estella but I swerved so I wouldn't hit a deer in the road" he weakly responded
"That sucks I'm sorry, I talked to the doctor and she said that you're going to need surgery" "Something happened with your bad knee"  I added

The doctor told us that Niall would be asleep for a few hours from the pain meds so Estella told Dahlia and I to leave for now and come back tomorrow.

We get home the dogs are already asleep and it's getting late so we just go straight to bed.

As I take my pants and shirt off, leaving me in just my boxers, I slip under the covers and turn the light off.

I feel Dahlia's arm wrap around my chest and she nuzzles her face in the crook of my neck.

"I love you" she says softly
"And I love you" I say kissing her on her forehead.


Estella's POV:

"Hey" I hear somebody whisper

I open my eyes, adjusting to the bright hospital lights. Niall laying there with a weak smile on his face.

He's probably pretty sore so I gently hug him and sit back down, "How are you feeling?"

"Better, I'm sorry" he says
"For what?"
"For not telling you I was here"
"Don't worry about it, I'm just glad you're ok"
There was a mommy of silence before I spoke up again, "Just out of curiosity, why didn't you tell me you were coming? I thought you had to work?"

"About that, I said that because I just wanted to surprise ya" he smiled
"Surprise me with what?" I chuckle
"Check my jacket pocket"

I do what he says and walk over to his jacket that's hanging on the coat hanger, reach into the pocket to find a small black box.

What the fuck.

"Just come here" he laughs
"Open it"

I open the box and see a note, underneath the note is a silver house key. Inside the note it says:

So we have somewhere to stay in-between our adventures

"You got bought a house?!"
"I bought us a house" he corrects me

He opens his mouth to speak but before he could say anything I'm already kissing him. This may be the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.

"Thank you"
He responds with a simple hum and kisses me again. But stops when I accidentally leaned on his bad arm.

"It's ok" he chuckles
"I'm hungry" I said
"Me too"


After finishing an almost entire pizza, I could barely move. "It always amazes me how much you can fit into you're stomach" Niall jokes

Compared to Dahlia that's nothing, that girl can eat.

"Oh shut up" I laugh
We talk for what it feel like hours until a nurse walks in and says,
"Mr. Horan, you should be good to go in about 6 hours"
"Alright thanks" he smiles

I'm pretty excited to see our new house, I honestly don't know where it could possibly be. But honestly anything is better than having to stay at my parents house, I mean I love them but you know.

6 hours later

"Woah be careful" I say to Niall who's getting in the car, eager to leave this hospital.

It was about a 20 minute drive, Niall  obviously couldn't drive so he was just telling me the directions to our house.

I pull into this driveway hidden by trees and bushes to see a gorgeous Italian Villa in front of me.

"Oh my god babe, it's beautiful"
"Are you kidding, I love it!"
"Thank god" he jokes

I look into his eyes, "Thank you for this, it's really perfect"
"Of course, I love you" he says
"I love you too"


That was such a cute chapter
Lmk if you want more Estella and Niall chapters 👀

Also this is the house:

Also this is the house:

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