𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟻𝟸

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A few days later


Dahlia's POV:

"You're crazy" I laugh at Harry's comment while folding laundry.

"I'm serious" he furrows his brows.

"Harry, baby, I love you but no. I'm not cut out to go the the Met Gala."

"What do you mean?" He asks

"Well, I have no experience being on any type of red carpet whatsoever. I might be the least photogenic person on this planet, and I just had a baby."

He pauses before responding, "First off, it's really not as bad as it looks. Second, that not true at all. And lastly, so what if you just had a baby." He smiles, really trying to convince me.

"I just... I feel different. I'm just not as confident in my body as I was before being pregnant." I look down because I haven't really admitted that in front of him before.

"What in the world are you talking about Dahlia? You look amazing. Honestly. You really have nothing to worry about." He assured me.

"I don't know. What about Amelia?"

"Gem can come and stay here while we're gone, I already asked her and she's fine with it, plus she hasn't actually met Amme yet."

I look at Harry, "Harry just go, Amelia and I will be your biggest supporters back here. Seriously go and have fun"

To be honest, I do want to go.

I think the Met Gala is such a cool event, but I would get so insecure the minute I'm on the same carpet as models and other celebrities. And I know that sounds so immature, but it's true.

Harry pouts before nodding his head, kissing my forehead, and walking out of the room.


Why did that work

"...Fine!" I shout

I hear his footsteps as he jogs back to the room and poking his head out of the doorframe. What a child.

"I'll go" I laugh, throwing my hands in the air.

"Really??" He beams

"Yes, but only if you pick what I'm wearing"

"No way, are you serious"

"Definitely, if there's one thing I know, it's that you have much better style out of the two of us" I giggle

He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me.

It's starts to get a little heated, mainly because we've barely had anytime to ourselves for the past three months.

The baby's sleeping right now so we have at least an hour.

Harry pulls back from the kiss and his voice is raspy, "Shut the door."


"Holy shit" I breathe heavily, while laying on my back.


It's been less than an hour so we take this time to just be with each other.

My back faces Harry's chest as his fingers lightly trace my thighs, slowly moving up to my arms, and brushing my hair off my shoulders, leaving trails of small kisses there.

Everything he does is so gentle and lovingly.

He burns his face in the crook of my neck before sliding his arm around my waist and pulling me closer towards him.
His breathing is heavy, but to me it's quite soothing.

My eyes become heavy and before I know it, I drift off.


I wake up with the sun shining in my face, but when I look outside, the sun is already starting to set.

On the table next to the bed I notice a small note so I pick it up to read;

I didn't want to wake you so I decided to take a walk with Amme on the trail. Take some time to relax and I'll be home in a bit.
I love you

My cheeks turn warm as I read the note, I still get flustered when he does things like this. As if we just started dating.

Instead of going downstairs to clean like I usually do, I actually listen to him and grab a book instead.

The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch

Estella recommended it to me and I haven't had the chance to read it, until now.


An hour later

The door creaks and I look behind me to see Harry with a cup of tea in his hand. "You look well-rested"

"I am, thank you for that" I smile. He hands me the cup of tea and I take a sip, "How was the walk?"

"Very enjoyable actually, the weather is perfect."

"That's good" I respond, taking another sip of my tea but now I notice that Harry is watching me.

"What" I laugh

He takes a breath before speaking, "You know how you said I could pick your outfit for the Met?"


"I have it already" he smiles


Sorry if this was a short chapter, and IM SORRY that you got robbed lmao

The entire story is super unedited and once it finish this version of it, I'm going back and adding quite a few chapters and extra scenes

*wink* *wink*

Thank you for 1.7k reads omfg

I honestly thought it wouldn't make it this far so thank youuu


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