𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟻𝟾

185 4 30

TW: blood, cuts, fighting, etc.

Harry's POV:

It's been about half and hour since I've Dahlia so I check around the room to see if I can spot her. I don't see her but I see Estella and the rest of the group so I walk over to them instead.

"Hey, have any of you seen Dahlia?" I ask

They all look at each other and don't say anything so I ask again, "What?"

"Owen, Lia's ex, is here" Estella answers


That name sounds familiar.

I mean I know who the asshole is, but Im trying to figure what exactly he's doing at this party.

"But where is she?" I ask, starting to get worried.

Estella looks worried herself and starts to look around and points left, "I think they went over there"


"Yeah, apparently dickhead wanted to apologize" Niall adds coming from behind Estella.

We both look at him, "What?" He asks "That's what we call him right?"

E chuckles and pats his back "I've taught him well."

"Yeah um, I'll be right back" I say before walking off

Five minutes go by and I can't find Dahlia, I'm starting to panic. Where could she possibly be? I start to ask a few people if they've seen her and finally someone mentions that they saw her down the hall a few minutes ago.

I go towards that direction and I hear a loud thud. I run to wherever I heard the noise coming from and stop in my tracks when I meet eye contact with Dahlia.

Owen has her pinned against the wall.

Everything after that just blurred together, all I remember was pulling him back from his shirt collar as hard as I could and punching. Then, he stood up and grabbed a glass vase from a table nearby filled with flowers throwing it at me.

Dahlia screaming in the back for it to stop, and my hands dripping with blood from shards of glass cutting my skin and Owen knelt down so our faces met the same level.

"This bitch isn't worth it" he hissed

That's it.

Before I know it, Owen's the one on the ground with a blood covered face and I'm the one standing over him.

The adrenaline pumping through my body starts to slow down and I feel a sharp pain in my side. I touch that spot and my hand is just covered in more blood... what the fuck...
I look downwards at Dahlia, who is sitting against a wall and her voice starts to echo.

"Harry!" Is that last thing I hear before it all went black.

2:56 a.m.

Dahlia's POV:

I'm sitting in the hospital room with nothing but the sound of a heart monitor and nurses footsteps, waiting for Harry to wake up.

Owen hurt him, badly.

Since I got a concussion from him shoving me against the wall, I don't remember a lot that happened. Except glass breaking, Owen took a larger piece of the broken glass and nearly stabbed Harry but missed him and ended up cutting him badly.

Harry passed out from the loss of blood and is now here.

Everyone went home immediately and the police have Owen for now. I was so worried he was going to get away, luckily Niall stepped in just in time.

The whole scene got so loud people started to crowd at the end and once the police came Owen tried making a run for it. That didn't work out so well for him. Niall socked him in the gut and with one swing he was on the ground after already fighting before.

I look down at Harry, even with cuts, stitches, and bruises all over his face, he still manages to look absolutely perfect.

But I hate seeing him like this, so much.

There's still so much to figure out about this whole night, though, that'll be saved for another day.

I'm gently holding his hand and I feel his fingers starting to wiggle. I look up and he's starting to slowly open his eyes.

Once he finally is awake I quickly lean over to kiss him on his forehead, "You scared me."

"You scared me" he responds with a raspy voice and I break out a small laugh to cover my tears.

"I know I'm sorry, it won't happen again I promise" I immediately apologize.

"Hey, hey don't be sorry, I'm just happy you're alright" he weakly smiles, slightly squeezing my hand.

"I love you so much" I lean down again

"I love you more" he says before placing a soft kiss on my lips.




but I hope you liked this chapter:)

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