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A week later

Dahlia's POV:

Harry proposed a week ago and I couldn't be happier, and I mean it when I say I totally didn't expect it.

Estella has been traveling with Niall for a bit but she's coming back in a week.
I haven't told her yet because I think it's one of those things you tell in person.

Harry and I haven't talked about setting a date yet, we decided that the longest we'll wait will be a year. I know that seems soon but we're ready.

Last night, I was online looking at dresses just for fun. I want it simple, and modest but fitted. I definitely want sleeves, which I know is an unpopular opinion but I don't care, I think they can look really pretty.

What I'm worried about right now is finding Harry's ring.

I was thinking gold because it stands out from his other rings but I didn't want it to look tacky.

Harry and I also were talking about plans last night just to get it out there and he has no idea what he's doing. But, I'm actually ok with it. I know it's lame, but I'm one of those girls who's had her wedding planned since she was 13. Obviously, my taste has changed quite a bit since then, however, I definitely know where I want it to happen.


One week later

The drive to the Airport wasn't so bad, I parked in the garage and went inside to wait for Estella. Niall couldn't make it because he's working on some music but I think it'll be good for us to have some time together.

I'm waiting by the escalator where all the travelers arrive and spot a tall ginger with a big ass smile on her face. 

When she meets the ground, we run and hug each other like we haven't been together in years. It definitely felt like it, I mean we have so much to catch up on.

"I missed you!!" she said 

"Me too! We have a lot to talk about" I say pulling her aside.

I lift my left hand up flashing the ring, "Suprise!"


"I know right

"Oh my god, Dahlia it's gorgeous," she says holding my hand admiring the ring

"Mhm, it was his grandmothers," I say proudly

"It's perfect"

The entire drive we talk about her and Niall's traveling and her music. I have to say, I'm really proud of her for finally realizing she has talent. When we were young, she used to sing all the time in my parent's old barn where the acoustics were amazing.

"So I was thinking we can go home and relax because you're probably jet-lagged, and we could go look at dresses and maybe look for a ring for Harry"

"Um no definitely not," she says

I look at her confused, "What do you mean"

"I mean, I'm not jet-lagged" "We're going downtown" she laughs 

"Ok, if you say so" I laugh back


We walk around in stores for a bit until we hit this bridal shop, the interior is white with hints of gold. Estella and I grab a glass of champagne and I pick out a few dresses to try on. 

I'm not expecting to actually buy my dress, I've only been engaged for 2 weeks. But this is definitely more fun than staying at home doing nothing.

The dresses I choose are all so different, one looks like a ball gown, another is strapless and super tight, but the last one was the dress Estella picked. 

It was a soft white with slightly puffy sleeves that stopped at my elbows, the top half was fitted and the skirt was layered, it fitted my body really well yet still modest. I turn around and my eyes start to water as I look at myself in the mirror, this is my dress.

I look over at E and we both start crying.

"Dahlia this dress is so you"

"I know, I really want it"

"We're getting this one," she smiles and says to the women working here

I check the price tag; €1,694, which is like half the price of the rest of the dresses here. I got really lucky. 

"Wait," E says


"We forgot the veil"

"About that, I don't think I really want one." "I think I just want to wear my hair down and have a cute hairpiece or something" I shrug

"Alright then, that was easy" she chuckles

I pay and we leave the shop with smiles on our faces. Walking back to where we parked, I stop in front of a store with lingerie in the window. "Ooo, somebody wants to hot tonight" Estella jokes 

"Oh shut up, I'm just looking" believe it or not, I've never really worn lingerie. I never needed to I guess, but I think I want to.

I walk inside and E follows me, I stop at a white lace set

So I got it.



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