𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟻

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Dahlia's POV:

11:47 a.m

I woke up that morning with Harry's arm wrapped around my waist, thank god he doesn't snore. Instead, he just breathes heavily, he looks like a grumpy baby with his eyebrows scrunched together, it's adorable.

His arm is heavy but I manage to quietly sneak out of bed without him noticing, and I slip on a big shirt and some underwear. I'm feeling nice today and decided to make him breakfast in bed. Of course, I'm a terrible cook, but I make really yummy smoothie bowls with granola. 

That's normally what I eat every morning along with some espresso, and I remember that he likes his coffee like I do, no sugar or milk so that's going to be easy.

Before I start making the smoothie I feed Bella and add a hardboiled egg as a little treat, I have chickens which means an endless supply of eggs. I add mango, pineapple, banana, and coconut water into the blender until it's smooth and put it in a cute bowl, to top it off I add some fresh mango slices, kiwi, and coconut flakes.

I put it on a cute tray along with some coffee and granola on the side, I normally wouldn't do this type of thing but I really want to. As I walk into my room I see Harry is still asleep. I feel bad waking him up so I turn around and try to leave until I hear his voice say;

"Where do you think you're sneaking off to", his morning voice is so fucking hot.

"I didn't want to wake you up" 

"Oh please do," he says as he pats the bed so I would sit down.

"I made you something" I smile

When he sees the tray his face lights up which makes me so happy. "Wow, thanks babe" I blush at the pet name he gives me and he kisses my cheek. We talk for a bit until he finishes his bowl while I finish my coffee. 

I'm not really hungry so that's probably why it only took a couple of mintutes. When I eat, I have an endless buffet (mostly fruit) but still. He puts the tray on the bedside table and wraps me in his arm and we just lay there a while.

It's super peaceful until I see Bella running towards us and jumps on the bed, she just drank water so her face is all wet. I'm yelling, Harry's laughing his ass off, and Bella's jumping around on the bed like a wild bull.

Harry grabs a piece of mango he didn't eat and lures her out of the room closing the door. "Now where were we," he says, grabbing my waist as he hovers on top of me. He starts to kiss down to my neck until we hear Bella scratching at the door.

"That little shit" I laugh.


After Harry gets dressed he volunteers to take Bella on a walk while I shower which I said sure to. I just remembered though, what happened with Niall and Estella??

I call E and after 4 rings she picks up;

E: Heyyy

Me: Tell me everything

E: Okay, so we went to this cool bar right and we're like drink and talking and stuff right

Me: Mhm

E: Well, I mention how I like to sing and shit and he takes me back to his place and listens to my music

Me: No way


E: Anyway, talk some more and drink some more, and the next thing you know we're like full-on making out and ended up hooking up


Me: Are you still at his place??

E: No I just left, but he gave me his number and we're going out again tomorrow

Me: Oh my god good for you!!!

E: Yeah thanks, what about you and Harry??

Me: Last night was so romantic, and this morning we were hanging out and-

E: Wait, He spent the night? OH MY GOD YOU HOOKED UP

Me: Shut uppp

E: Wow, Dahlia Fey Ricci you go girl 

Me: Haha, anyway I'm gonna go shower I'll talk to you later bye

E: 'Kay bye love you!

Me: Love youuu


I take a shower, shave, and get dressed but when I walk around the house I don't see Harry which is weird because it's already been thirty minutes or so. Then I see Bella running around the backyard and follow her to see Harry sitting on the swing bench humming a song.

As I sit next to him and he slides his arm around my shoulder and I rest my head on his. Everything we do is so calm yet romantic which I love, we talked about how we want to stay grounded and settle down it's probably why we work so well.

Estella and I are really different when it comes to that, and it's totally okay of course. She wants to travel the world and party all the time. On the other hand, I want to stay here and have a family, of course traveling is fun but not all the time for me.

I think Harry and I found each other at perfect timing, he's taking a break from his busy rockstar life, and I was wanting to start dating again. As much as I don't like men, I get pretty lonely. 

Of course, I have Estella, her family, and Bella, but I've really wanted to be in a relationship. I'm really happy it's with Harry.

Harry's POV:

Dahlia is wonderful, I'm so lucky I get to call her my girlfriend now. I really hope this stays off the internet though, it's new and I don't want to ruin it. Thankfully, this is a small town and not a lot of people know I'm here.

She and I make a big salad and pasta for lunch and go horseback riding, I have to admit I was pretty nervous because I'm not great and riding horses but I did this before and it was fun so I gave it another chance. Dahlia's a natural at it though, she doesn't even use a saddle.

The horseback riding was pretty tiring but we invited Niall and Estella over and order pizzas, we play some music and dance around like we were teenagers again, it was pretty fun. It was getting late and since Niall is staying at my place we decide to go home for the night.

"Night babe," I say as I kiss Dahlia

"Buona Notte." 

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