𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟺

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Dahlia's POV:

The woman passes me, I look in front of me and see Harry in the doorframe.

I feel my chest starting to feel heavy and my eyes water. 

Don't cry don't cry don't cry

I hold it in and just stare at Harry, I let him know that I'm hurting.

"Baby I-"

"Don't fucking 'Baby' me Harry."

I really thought this was real, I think that's what hurts more. I don't even have the strength the yell at him anymore, so I just turn around and walk to my car and he runs after me.

"Seriously Harry I'm done, don't touch me." I can't even look him in his eyes.

"I swear it's not what it looks like," he says

"What? Is not what it looks like? Harry I just saw a woman leave your fucking house!" my voice cracks

"I know I know but I swear we didn't do anything, I didn't do anything"

"Then why was she here?!? You were obviously planning to do something!" I yell 

"No, I wasn't. Please let me explain" he pleads 

"You have ten seconds" I raise my eyebrows 

"I was at this bar to meet with some guys and we all came back here, they brought back a couple of girls and left. I didn't even know she was still here, I swear love, I didn't do anything."

I stay silent for a few seconds before saying  "That was more than ten seconds."

"Dahlia, do you believe me?"

"I want to."

I look into his eyes and he looks so genuine. I don't know what to do. He speaks up, "Oh! I'll show you my security cameras"

I trust him. 

"No, I trust you."

His face lights up "You do?"

"I do"

He wraps me in his arms and lifts me off the ground, god I missed his smell.

"I missed you so much" he sniffles

"Harry, are you crying?"


"I missed you too, I'm sorry for being gone so long" I whisper 

"No, it was my fault I'm sorry"

He grabs my cheeks with his hands a kisses me lovingly. I missed this.

He pulls away "Wanna go inside?" I nod in response and we go inside. 

He picks me up and lays me on his bed so his body is over mine, kissing me softly as if it was an apology. 


Sweaty and out of breath, we lay side-by-side "I love you" Harry says "I love you" I kiss him.



"Do you want to live together?" he asks 

"Like together together?" I clarify

"Yes" he laughs 

"I'd love to, but I can't just leave my house everything is there" when I mean everything I mean, my flowers, the horses, my parent's land, and my house that I've worked on for years.

"Well, if you'd have me, I'd love to live there with you"


"Of course, I don't care where we are I just want to be with you"

His words made me blush, "Okay, let's move in together" I say wrapping my arms around him.


Harry's POV:

I couldn't believe it, she wants to move in with me. I really thought I lost her earlier. I know I didn't do anything with the woman, and I told her the truth, but it didn't look like that from her point of view.  

Her breathing starts to slow down and I think she's fallen asleep. I gently take a piece of hair that was on her face and put it behind her ear, she's perfect. 

I slowly get out of bed trying hard not to wake her up put some trousers on and walk to the kitchen. I find my phone and unlock it, I open messages and start typing;

Hey mum, sorry it's probably late over there. I just wanted to ask if I could have my grandmother's ring? I know it's been 5 months and I'm not planning on asking Dahlia to marry me that soon but she's definitely the one. 

I hesitate before sending it, not because I'm not sure, but because I don't know if Dahlia will even say yes. 

I send it anyway.

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