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About a week later...

Dahlia's POV:

"What would you like to drink?" Anne asks

"Tea please" I smile

Harry's hanging out with Niall downtown while Anne and I are having a movie night, tonight we're watching The Wedding Planner.

At this point I'm so pregnant I basically live on the couch. I've might have watched every Rom-com to ever exist.

I'm also a huge Marvel fan, but I've watched every movie at least 8 times.

Anne makes her way towards the couch and hands me the tea, "Thank you so much"

"Of course dear"

The past few months have been hard for me and I think Harry's noticed. I get that my parents died over 10 years ago, but this is just a time where it would be amazing to have a mom.

Being an only child, I was close to both of my parents. Something they never really talked about was my mom's miscarriage.

I was 9 at the time and didn't fully understand what really happened until later on.

Apparently I was supposed to have a sister, I do remember my parents sitting down and telling me about how I was going to be a big sister and I was so excited.

It was a shock to everyone, my mom was 7 months pregnant and one day the baby was healthy but the next she wasn't.

Since it happened so long ago I hadn't really thought about this until now.

Probably isn't the best thing to think of, but I just couldn't imagine how my mom must've felt.

Amelia isn't even here yet and I love her with everything I have.



"That was a cute movie" Anne yawned

"Yeah it was, I think I'm going to bed"

"Me too, here let me clean this up" she offered

"Oh no, don't worry about it. I can do it in the morning"

"Alright then, goodnight"

"Goodnight" I smiled

She goes to her room and I walk upstairs, before I go in my room I go in the nursery and look at some of the new clothes Anne and I bought the other day.

My new favorite would have to be this little ladybug jumper, it's so cute

I turn the light off, close the door, and walk in my room. I took a shower this morning so I just wash my face and braid my hair.

Afterwards, I slip a large shirt on and some pajama shorts and get in bed

3:04 a.m.

"Oh god" I grunt

This horrible pain just hits me and I wake up,
"Hey what's wrong" Harry turns around and mumbles.

"Nothing, I just got this weird pain"

"Do you need something?"

"No I'm fine, you can go back to sleep"

"Alright" he says turning back around

I get up to go to the bathroom and as I stand I feel liquid running down my leg. Oh my god.

I think my water just broke

"Um Harry" I whisper loudly

He hums in response

"I think my water just broke" I say which causes him to quickly sit up


"I'm going into labor"

"Oh wow, ok" "Sit down for a second and I'll wake my mum and call the hospital"

I sit back down and feel another contraction, god these hurt like hell.

Harry rushes out of the room and comes back with Anne and the hospital bag, they help me up and we rush to the car.

"I'll sit in the back with her, just call the hospital" Anne says

I sit in the back and just focus on breathing through the pain, if this is just the beginning I can't imagine how bad the rest is.


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