𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟼𝟶

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Next morning

Harry's POV:

"Good morning" I hear as I'm slowly opening my eyes, I roll to my side to see Dahlia with Amme propped in her lap.

I rub my eyes and sit myself up. "Good morning my loves" I give Dahlia a small peck and pick Amme up, "Someone's up early"

"Yeah but she slept all night"

"Really? That's great"

She nods and lays Amme between us in bed, "So what's do you want to do today? I'm tired of being in the house so much lately" she asks.

"I was thinking we could go to this bakery downtown, go for a little walk in the park, and get married?"

"Yeah that sounds-" she pauses

"What? We can go swimming instead if that's what you like" I smile

"Woah back up" she laughs "What do you mean get married?"

"I mean" I say grabbing her hand "let's get married."

"But, what about everything else"

"We can still have that, let's just go to town hall, have a little celebration dinner with just us as a family afterwards, and get "married" at the ceremony with all our family and friends."

"Yes" she beams

"Yes! Let's get married" She kisses me
"About damn time" I mumble and she giggles.

A tiny hand on my cheek interrupts our kiss, I look down to see Amelia and her smile turning into a giggle. "You little stinker" I chuckle starting to tickle her tummy.

The room filled with her adorable giggles and Dahlia watching the two of us with a smile on her face, god I can't wait to marry her.


"Are you ready?" I shout from down the stairs as I rock Amelia back and forth in my arms.

"Yes!" Dahlia says rushing down the stairs, "Sorry I had to change dresses"

"Don't be, you look wonderful"

"So do you" she gleams then looking at Amme "and you look so cute oh my goodness."

"Daddy dressed her" I look down to adjust her overalls and speak in a baby voice with out realizing, Dahlia chuckles and pats my arm "Daddy did a good job."


The drive itself felt longer than it was, mainly because both of us were so excited. "Are you nervous?" Dahlia says turning the radio down.

"Not at all, are you?"

"Nope" she smiles

Once we're there I park behind the building to avoid any chance of paparazzi, and we go in through the back door.

"I feel like we're undercover" she whispers
"You don't have to whisper darling" I chuckle
"Oh right"

"You can wait here with Amme while I'll get officiant" I say and she nods.

I walk to the front desk and greet the woman, she asks for my name, "Styles" I respond "Harry Styles"

She nods and motions for us to follow her and Dahlia end up in by the door of officiant. The woman opens the door for us and we meet the officiant who is a very kind looking older man.

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