Chapter five: New Visitors

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⚠️T/W!: A bit of swearing⚠️

Karl was peacefully sleeping in his bed. He slowly opened his eyes and sat up, "Someone must have moved me here." He thought. Karl then saw light entering his room. He didn't think much of it, but then his eyes widened when he realized, "S-Sunlight?!" The excited prince was about to jump out of bed, but a knock on his door interrupted him from doing so. The prince groaned and threw his back on the bed, "Come in!"

A dirty blonde haired girl with green eyes and glasses entered the room. She had a small stack of books with her, "Finally, you're awake, it's almost sunset." She said, closing the door with her foot and walking up to the sleepy brunette prince.

Karl groaned again and rubbed his eyes. He looked at the dirty blonde girl and sighed, "What do you want, Mai?" The brunette's tone was sarcastic and hoarse.

"I want to tell you about the new visitors, dickhead."

Karl's eyebrows furrowed, "The new visitors?"

"Yeah, a guy and his son, I think it's his son. I'm not sure." Mai said, as she set the books on Karl's nightstand.

"Oh yeah, I saw him yesterday playing the violin."

"Well, it looks like his violin brought happiness back to the kingdom. That really doesn't make sense to me."

"Yeah, it doesn't make sense to me either."

"I think I read a book about it, but I don't really remember anything I read. Maybe it's here in this pile." Mai took each book down from the pile, "No, it's not, I'll try to look for the book in the castle library."

"Alright, but before you do that. Where are the new visitors, and does my father know about them?"

"They're in the forest and no, his majesty dumb bitch doesn't know anything about them since he's still sleeping."


"Yeah, after listening to that melody yesterday he fell asleep, and he didn't wake up till now." Mai cut Karl off, answering his question he was about to ask.

"That's great, but we need information about them just in case something happens."

"They're from a kingdom named L'manburg. The guy's name is Sapnap and he's nineteen years old, but he's going to be twenty in six months. The toddler's name is Noah and he's four years old."

Karl yawned, "Alright, that's great, can I meet them?" 

Mai nodded, "Yeah, you can."

"Well, I'll take a bath, eat breakfast, and then I'll go meet them." Karl stood up and made his way to his bathroom door, "Now, leave because I need some privacy."

Mai grabbed the pile of books, "It's fine to have a small dick, your highness." She said, before leaving the room.

Karl scoffed before he entered the bathroom and started a warm bath.


Karl got out of the bathtub and got dressed in a brown sweater, khakis, and vans, "I look adorable in this, actually." He thought, turning around in front of the mirror and headed to his door.

Karl walked down the almost empty hallway and down the large, red-carpeted staircase. Karl enjoyed the silence as he walked down the hallway that led to the dining room. He looked at paintings of him and his family as walked.

Karl was then stopped at a large oak door. He pushed the door open and there was a long, flat table with thirty seats. Karl always wondered why the table had so many seats when only ten to fifteen rulers visit every decade. Karl took a seat and waited for his meal.

Violin Boy - A Karlnap/Sapkarl Royalty AUWhere stories live. Discover now