Chapter twenty-one: Blessings and Forgiveness

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A/N: This chapter doesn't focus on anyone

A year has passed since the incident. Everyone has forgiven the king for what he's done and acknowledged that he was a changed man. Him and Mai started getting along and working together instead of arguing and yelling, like what any king and advisor would do. The king accepted Karl's gender preference and started to spend more time with him, also inviting his two other children so he can spend time with them as well. He became closer to Sapnap and Noah. He realized he was the exact opposite of what he imagined him to be and regretted judging them. Mai and Tommy eventually confessed their feelings to one another, Tommy's family couldn't have been more proud of him—along with Mai's as well!

It was dark and a bit windy. Sapnap sat under the mushroom tree Karl had brought him to before. Lanterns were hanging from the trees that were near the mushroom tree. Sapnap was looking at a small purple box he was holding. He has been planning on proposing to Karl after earning Karl's father's blessing and today was the day. Mai and Punz were there with him to reassure him, "What if he says no..? Or—" Sapnap asked, sweat dripped down his forehead as he stared at the small purple box in his hand.

"Sapnap, Karl has waited for five whole years until you came here, and when you left he just locked himself in his room and sobbed in his pillow. There's no way in hell he'll say no." Mai interrupted him. She understood he was nervous but was tired of that 'what if' question.

"Yeah, Mai's right, Sapnap." Punz agreed, walking over to his worried and panicked younger brother. He put a hand on his shoulder, making Sapnap look up at him, "After five years of complete misery, of course he'll say yes to the man who made him happy again." He said with a reassuring smile.

Sapnap smiled back, "Thanks you two, I really appreciate it." Noah then came rushing to the three, "Papa's coming! Papa's coming! Hide!" He shouted. Mai immediately grabbed Noah and hid behind a bush, "Remember to take a deep breath, Sapnap." Punz reminded him before following the other two. Sapnap did as his older brother requested, taking a deep breath. 

He waited for a few moments before he heard Karl's voice, "Father, where are we going? I can't see anything!" He said through giggles. Sapnap could hear their footsteps getting closer, making his heart race faster than ever. He took a deep breath and looked back to see if they're getting closer. In fact, they were a foot away from Sapnap. Sapnap quickly turned around and took a deep breath again, closing his eyes,"You can do this, Sapnap." He reassured himself. He opened his eyes and was immediately met with a blindfolded Karl and the king standing right in front of him. He saw the king walking up to him and placing a hand on his shoulder, "I know how you feel Sapnap, please take a deep breath and think about the positive outcome. Good luck." He whispered to the panicked and worried ravenette. The ravenette nodded, "Thank you." The panicked ravenette whispered back before the king left to give them privacy. Sapnap hid the box behind his back before he turned his gaze to his blindfolded partner. "Hey, Karl." He greeted the brunette before grabbing his hand and rubbing small circles on the brunette's palm with his thumb.

"Sap? Where are we? I'm getting a bit worried." Karl asked, looking around even though he can't see anything. 

Sapnap chuckled before uniting the blindfold. Karl blinked a few times before looking around, "I missed this place, but the lanterns weren't there before?" He questioned, turning to ravenette.

Sapnap exhaled deeply, "I thought I could never love again until you, the sweetest, most loving and beautiful person I've ever met came into my life. You showed me how to really love, with passion, purity, and acceptance. We've been through many obstacles and you've helped me through them. In return to all these things you have given me, today I give my love, trust, loyalty, and support forever." Sapnap got down on one and revealed the small purple box to Karl. Karl's eyes widened as he saw Sapnap pull out the small box and open it, revealing a diamond ring in the middle. He put his hands over his mouth and felt his eyes water, "Karl Jacobs, will you marry me?" Karl couldn't contain his happiness as soon a those six words came out of Sapanp's mouth, "YES!" He shouted before wrapping his hands around the ravenette's neck and pulling him into a kiss filled with passion and love. Karl pulled away and giggled, "You were the best thing that has happened to me, Sapnap. You've made my life better and happier after five years of complete misery. You've helped me through many obstacles, you're always by my side no matter what and I love you for that." Karl pulled Sapnap into a short and sweet kiss. Sapnap pulled away and took Karl's left hand in his right. He slowly took the ring from the small box and slid through Karl's finger. He looked up at Karl and smiled, "I love you too." He simply said to the brunette.

"Daddy! Papa!" Noah shouted as he ran to the newly-engaged couple, hugging them. 

Punz and Mai stood up from the nearby bushes and smiled, "Congratulations, idiots." They said before making their way to the couple.


Sapnap stood under the mushroom tree —the wedding altar— with his best-men, the priest —Wilbur Soot—, and Karl's best men and one bridesmaid —Mai—. His parents sat in the front row, tears stained their faces along with the other guests and staff. Sapnap was more nervous here than the proposal. He was actually going to marry the Prince of Kinoko Kingdom. He saw his son, Tubbo, and Tommy walk down the aisle with a basket full of flowers. The three wanted to be the flower boys so badly, and they didn't stop annoying Sapnap so he had to fulfill their wishes. Sapnap knew Karl was going to be next to walk down the aisle. He worried that Karl wasn't going to show up but that thought was quickly washed away when he saw the man of his dreams and his father walk down the aisle. Karl was holding alovely bouquet of flowers. He told Sapnap he was going to wear a purple suit, but he was wear a long purple and black ombré dress. Sapnap was in utter shock and awe when he saw the brunette. Sapnap locked eyes with brunette making him blush and smile shyly. 

Karl was now standing across from Sapnap, their hands together, "Beautiful." Wilbur said, wiping some tears from his eyes and clearing his throat, "Friends, families," Wilbur turned his gaze to an orange haired male, "Furries. We are gathered here today to unite these two people in the holy matrimony. Their decision to marry has not been done through impulse rather on detection and a long term connection, so today they shall be publicly declaring their private devotion to each other among the company of their closest friends. They will today except each other in their entirety as lovers companions," A small laugh was heard but Wilbur wasn't bothered so he continued to, "Friends in sickness—" 

"Alright, sorry" Dream apologized, interrupting Wilbur. 

"And—please, Dream!" Wilbur said, turning to the man to his left, making everyone turn around and look at him.

"I'm sorry—you said: "accept themselves in their entirety" that sounds kind of weird!" He said in between laughs. Everyone started laughing a bit but they eventually calmed after Wilbur gave Dream a lecture about respecting his best friend's wedding. Wilbur turned to the crowd, "Sorry about that—"

"Screw it!" Karl interrupted before pulling Sapnap into a kiss, wrapping his arms around Sapnap's neck. Sapnap wrapped his arms around Karl's waist and kissed back. Everyone started cheering and clapping for the newly-wedded couple.

"The rings?" Wilbur and Mai asked.


Four years have passed since the wedding. Unfortunately, Karl's father passed away a week after the wedding. Karl was still grieving for his father after four years, but he knew his father wanted to see him happy and not repeat the same mistakes as his father's. So of course Karl spent most of his time with his husband and his son rather than spending most of the time signing papers.

Tommy got the courage to propose to Mai and she said yes to the child. Tommy's family burst into tears at the wedding. The couple ended up adopting twins, a girl and a boy. The two couldn't be happier. They visit Kinoko every once in a while so Noah can have someone to play with.

The End

⚠️A/N: Please, don't come at me for making Karl wear a dress. I'm not sexualizing or stereotyping him! Also, I won't write a epilogue or sequel!⚠️

Word count: 1479

Edited: ❌

Hope you have a good day or night!

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