Chapter two: Violin Classes

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Rain was pouring, thunder was crashing. It was a usual Saturday night for a month like September. Sapnap was sitting on the living room couch wrapped in a blanket while reading a book since he liked to read on stormy nights like these. The sound of the fire crackling in the fireplace calms his nerves from the thunder outside. The living room door slowly opened, making a creak sound. A light brown haired toddler with grey eyes and a blanket. Sapnap turned his attention to the toddler and his eyes widened, "Noah, what are you doing out of bed? It's-" Sapnap turned his gaze to the wall clock across from him and returned his gaze to the toddler, who was apparently named Noah. "Midnight." He said, looking at Noah.

"The thunderstorm isn't making me sleep and I keep getting nightmares, Dada!" Noah ran up to his father and hugged his leg. Sapnap picked Noah up and sat him on his lap. Noah buried his face into his father's chest, "I'm scared, Dada."

Sapnap rubbed his son's back and head, shushing him, "It's alright Noah, Dada is going to protect you. No monster is going to take you away from me and Dada is going to make the storm go away so you can sleep." Noah's grip on his father's shirt tightened. Sapnap could feel and hear his son's breathing shorten, "Noah, relax, breathe in and breathe out." Noah did as his father requested, it calmed him down a little, "Are you feeling-" Sapnap was cut off by a loud thunder. Noah gripped his fathers shirt tighter, his knuckles were turning white. Sapnap sighed and hugged his son tightly, "Noah, do you want me to play the violin? Maybe it can help you sleep?" Noah nodded in response.

Sapnap made Noah lie on the couch and went up to a corner of the room where a violin case sat. Sapnap opened the case and grabbed the violin and its bow. He stood up and started playing a calming melody. His son was looking at him with a small smile on his face. Sapnap smiled back and focused on the melody he was playing. It made him think of his past life..


There was a kingdom called Dream SMP. Dream SMP was one of the most powerful kingdoms in the land.

Sapnap was a normal twelve year old boy who lived in Dream SMP with his fathers, Badboyhalo and Skeppy, and his protective older brother, Punz, who was two years older than him.

Sapnap always had a passion for music, especially the violin. So, he decided to become a violinist.

Sapnap wasn't a quick learner and he was upset about it, but everyone said his playing was amazing and he was so talented which motivated him to keep practicing.

Punz decided to become a knight and serve in wars. He was accepted into training and surprised everyone with his skills.

Dream, the prince, decided to befriend him and then later befriended Sapnap. The trio would hang out together a lot and sometimes cause trouble.


Sapnap graduated from his music school after four years or so. Punz became a knight and started serving in wars. He would survive every war he served in which surprised everyone, even himself.


Sapnap was standing by a tree playing his violin, enjoying the calmness around him. The ravenette was then startled by a nearby bush, tussling. Sapnap was irritated because it interrupted his calm evening. Then, a brown haired male, who looked about Sapnap's age and height, with glasses appeared out of the bush, "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." He said, scratching the back of his head while smiling nervously.

"No, it's alright."

"I'm Arthur, we used to go to the same music school." He said, brushing the dirt off his clothes.

Sapnap sat down on the grass and rested his back on the tree, "Mr. Technoblade, right?"

"Yes, him."

"Anyway, nice to meet you Arthur, I'm Sapnap."

"Yeah, I know, and I never heard that name before."

"It's a nickname."

"Oh, alright," Arthur sat down next to Sapnap, "But, why would let someone call you by your nickname instead of your real name?"

"I just don't feel comfortable with people using my real name."

"That's understandable, but you could use a new nickname that would suit you."

"Really? What is it?"

Arthur lifted Sapnap's chin,"Cutie." He said, Sapnap slightly blushed at the response and he could hear Arthur chuckling.


Sapnap and Arthur would spend a lot of time together. He would rarely hang out with Dream and his brother (when he returns from war). They told Sapnap to stop hanging out with Arthur because they knew he was trouble, but Sapnap didn't listen to their advice and kept hanging out with Arthur.

The two slowly started to get feelings for each other, and their feelings grew day after day. They confessed their feelings and became a happy couple.

After seven months of dating, the couple decided to buy a house and move in together.


Snow was falling from the night sky. It was the 23rd of December; the day before Christmas Eve. Sapnap was walking along the cobblestone floor. He was out to get groceries while Arthur was at work. The ravenette found himself in front of a familiar cottage. The door was unlocked and slightly open, but Sapnap was sure he locked it before he left, "Arthur might have returned from work and forgot to lock the door." He thought,"But, Arthur doesn't come home at this hour?"

The ravenette peeked his head inside to see if anyone was inside, but the house was ghost-quiet and dark. Sapnap stepped inside and closed the door behind him. There was a burning candle on the table beside the door. He gently lifted it and started making his way to the kitchen.

Sapnap placed the grocery bag on the counter and started looking for his boyfriend. He was walking down a small hallway that led to his and Arthur's room. The ravenette male stopped at their bedroom door and saw a dim light source from under the door.

Sapnap placed his hand on the wooden handle and pushed the door slightly, peeking his head to see if his lover was in the room, but he wasn't in the room. Sapnap used his candle to look around the room. Sapnap searched for the bed and to his surprise. There was an infant, wrapped in a thin blue blanket sleeping peacefully on the bed and a note.

Turns out, Arthur was never interested in and was cheating on Sapnap with several women. He accidentally got one of them pregnant, but when she gave birth. She didn't want to keep the baby, neither did Arthur. So he decided to sneak into his own house and leave the baby on the bed for Sapnap to find.

Sapnap set the candle on the nightstand, and then he gently picked up the infant. Sapnap knew he couldn't leave the poor infant alone. He could have put the infant in the orphanage, but then he was worried that his past violin teacher, Technoblade, might try to kill the poor infant. So Sapnap had no choice but to keep the infant and raise him as his own, "I think I'll name you, Noah." He whispered.


Sapnap snapped back into reality and turned to Noah, who was peacefully sleeping. Sapnap put his violin inside his case and walked up to his sleeping son. The ravenette grabbed his son's blanket and tucked him in. He then grabbed a pillow that was on the other end of the couch. He carefully lifted his son's head and put the pillow under it, "Sweet dreams, Noah." He said, before kissing Noah's forehead and sitting down next to him and continuing on where he left off on his book.

A/N: How's chapter two in your opinion?

A/N: I originally planned on using Punz, Dream, Sapnap, etc's real names but decided not to because I didn't want to confuse anyone and some people dislike it when writers use the real names, so if you want to you can pretend I'm using their real names. And I couldn't think of a name for Dream's Kingdom so I went with 'Dream SMP' I'm not creative at all and I didn't want to use a random generator. 

Word count: 1316

Edited: ☑️

Hope you a good morning or night.

Violin Boy - A Karlnap/Sapkarl Royalty AUWhere stories live. Discover now