Chapter fifteen: Came Back Empty-Handed

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⚠️T/W: A bit of swearing and I suggest some readers to skip the A/N that is at the very end of the chapter⚠️

A/N: I'm sorry I haven't been updating a lot. Also sorry repeating the same dialogue and scene in the chapters. 

A/N: Long chapter again (2.4k/2416 words)

"I wonder what he was trying to tell me earlier." Sapnap thought as he was walking down the pathway with Karl walking beside him. The brunette was clearly tired and Sapnap started to worry if Karl was getting enough sleep, "You tired, Karl?" Sapnap asked, stroking Karl's hair.

Karl rubbed his eyes and looked up at Sapnap, "Yeah, I am tired." His words slurred as he wrapped his arms around Sapnap's leg to keep him up. He looked up at Sapnap with hooded eyes, "I always am."

Sapnap could see it clearly under the moonlight. He blushed at the sight as he hasn't seen Karl like this before, he looked adorable. He zoned out immediately, completely lost by the brunette's beauty. He started to fantasize about Karl. Before, he wanted the fantasies to be gone and never be back again. Now, he wants more of those fantasies and he wants them to come true.

"Earth to Sapnap!" Karl said, snapping his fingers in front of Sapnap's zoned out face.

Sapnap immediately snapped out of his trance, "Sorry, I didn't mean to." He said, rubbing the back of his neck, clearly embarrassed.

Karl let out a tired giggle at Sapnap's response, "It's fine, Sapnap, you don't have to apologize for that." He giggled again, causing Sapnap's face to become even more red. He was lucky the moonlight wasn't anywhere near his face so the brunette couldn't see his red face, "Oh, sorry." Sapnap apologized, his face still red.

"Sapnap, it's fine, you did nothing wrong." Karl says as he starts to let go of Sapnap's leg. Sapnap was frustrated about it but he didn't want to make this weird and awkward, "We're getting close to Kinoko." Karl said, pointing at Kinoko's gate that could be seen through the trees.

Sapnap could see small sources of light, "Do you see that, Karl?" He asked, clearly confused and a bit worried that something might have happened while they were gone.

Karl squinted to look at the lights since they were a bit far away, "What is that?" The brunette was starting to worry as well, "I hope nothing bad happened." 


Sapnap and Karl were relieved when they heard the villagers were celebrating a full month without the grey clouds or sorrow that filled the kingdom those past five years, "I can look after Noah while you celebrate." Karl yawned, clearly tired from the walking they've done earlier.

Sapnap patted his head, "It's getting late and you're clearly tired." Sapnap then felt a tussle in his arm. He looked down and saw Noah wide awake, "Did you have a good sleep, Noah?"

"Yeah! And I heard there was going to be a party!" Noah said, the excitement was written all over his face as he tried to get down from his father's arm but Sapnap stopped him from doing so.

Sapnap smiled at Karl, "I'll look after him, go get some rest."

Karl yawned and smiled lightly at Sapnap, "Thank you, Sapnap, have a good night you two."

"We will, don't worry." Sapnap replied, kissing the top of Karl's head not caring about the man who was watching them. Karl and Sapnap weren't in a relationship but they've gotten comfortable around each other and they would kiss the other's head as a joke or in a platonic manner.

Karl giggled and headed back to the castle, "I need my violin, do you mind giving me a moment?" Sapnap asked as he put Noah down.

"Don't worry, your violin right here, you forgot it last time." The man said as he pointed at the town square where Sapnap's violin was.

Violin Boy - A Karlnap/Sapkarl Royalty AUWhere stories live. Discover now