Chapter nine: The Mushroom Tree

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Karl was taking a warm bath to get himself away from the thoughts that kept him up all night. He was surprised when he didn't even feel tired after a whole night without going to sleep. He thought he was probably used to it from those nights he used to be up in before Sapnap came. 

Karl was grateful for Sapnap for releasing Kinoko from the misery it used to be in. He didn't want Sapnap to leave, he didn't want to be miserable again. Karl thought he was being selfish and he hated it, his mother didn't raise him like this. He started getting flashbacks of his best moments with his mother. Karl shook his head and immediately got out of the tub and got dressed 

Karl looked at himself in the mirror. He was in a harlequin patterned green sweater, jeans, and green shoes, "I hope Sapnap likes this outfit- wait what?" Karl really wanted Sapnap off his mind but he didn't know how, "Out of all the people I could've fallen in-love with, it had to be someone my father hates." 


Karl was outside in the backyard garden, the grass was a bit green and there were small flowers starting to grow. Karl stopped in his tracks when he saw a gravestone sitting across from him. He felt his eyes starting to water, "M-Mother..." He said, his voice was broken a bit. Karl sat down across from the grave that had dead flower crowns on it, "Mother, I have a lot to tell you about what happened yesterday." Karl wiped his tears away and sniffled, "After you left, Kinoko wasn't the same, everyone locked themselves in their houses and there were grey clouds covering the kingdom and Sun. I thought it would never come back to normal but luckily, Sapnap came here and he somehow made the clouds disappear with his violin. I wish you could meet him. He's a really kind person but father says he's a spy from Dream SMP. Also, I might have fallen in-love with Sapnap, mother, I hope you're not disappointed or anything." Karl looked at the gravestone like he was waiting for a response.

He then heard a giggle he never thought he'd hear again, "I would never be disappointed in you, Karl, I can't control who you love and I want you to be happy. I hope your father also understands that and doesn't force you to marry a princess." It was his mother's voice but, where did it come from?

"M-Mother? Where are you? I can't see you but I can hear you." There was no response after that, "Mother?" He called again, still no response.


"Mai, trust me, I heard her." Karl said as he and Mai were walking down the pathway in the forest. Mai was reading a book but was still keeping up with what Karl was saying.

"It's in your mind, Karl, I've experienced it before." Mai said, flipping a page over and starting to read her book.

"What are you reading anyway?" Karl asked, crossing his arms and looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

Mai slowly turned her head to Karl, "Dear Evan Hansen, my favorite novel of all time." She said in a passive-aggressive tone.

"You never shut up about it, don't you?" 

"It's the best novel out there and I can relate to Evan." 

Karl started to get bored and he decided to run away and look for Sapnap himself, "Alright, bye!" He said before running off into some bushes and trees, "Karl! Get back here! You're to get me and the guards killed!" Karl heard what Mai said but he ignored her.


Karl made it back to the pathway and he saw Sapnap and Noah walking. He wanted to greet them but he didn't know how. He decided to walk up to them from behind and surprised them but he stepped on a stick, making the two slowly turn to look at what was behind them. Karl's face turned red from embarrassment, "H-Hey! I sort of ran away from Mai and my guards." Karl said, nervously.

Violin Boy - A Karlnap/Sapkarl Royalty AUWhere stories live. Discover now