Chapter eleven: The Truth Unfolds

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⚠️T/W: A bit of swearing⚠️

A/N: I decided to give the king (Karl's father in the story) a name and I went with: 'Nathan' don't ask why I chose that name.

A/N: Poorly-written chapter and there's a lot of dialogue -__-

It's been almost a month since Sapnap and Noah's stay in Kinoko. Everyone seemed to love them and didn't want them to leave, except for one person...

The king...

He was suspicious about the two. He knew they were lying straight to everyone's faces. He has been sending letters to his best friend, The King of L'manburg, Philza. Nathan wanted to talk to him and ask questions about Sapnap and Noah. He knew he could do it by letters but the letter could end up in anyone's hands and they could write false information and he didn't want that to happen. 

He's been sending letters to Philza for a month but Philza was always busy. 


The king got a letter back from Philza and this time he's willing to come visit and he's bringing Tommy with him. Nathan didn't really mind Tommy at all as long as he didn't shout or interrupted their conversation. 


The king was in his office doing some paperwork. He hasn't been out of it all day just like any other day for the past years or so. He couldn't wait until Philza gets here and then he could finally prove he's right about Sapnap and Noah's lies.

The king then heard his office door open, making him look up from his paperwork. There was a familiar dirty blonde haired girl leaning against the doorframe with an unimpressed look across her face, "Hello, Mai, how has your day been so far." The king asked, trying to be friendly.

Mai didn't buy it one bit. She's been working for him for three whole years now, of course she would know when he's faking something, "Listen, 'your majesty' I don't have time for you so make it quick." She said, putting 'your majesty' in air quotes. She despised the king with passion

The king got a bit frustrated at Mai's attitude and groaned, "Why are you in a hurry anyway? And be careful of what you say to me because then you'll wish you were never born." He threatened to make Mai a bit intimidated.

Mai let out a small laugh, "Please kill me because I can't stand sharing a species with you, 'your majesty'." 

The king looked down at his paper and started to write something on it with his quill, "Anyway, Philza and Tommy are visiting and I want this place, especially the dining room to be clean, they'll be here in forty minutes."

Mai crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, "Why are they visiting, this isn't any plan of yours, is it?"

"Just tell the staff to clean the dining room, that's it." 

Mai knew she wouldn't get out of this conversation if she kept asking questions, "Fine, I'll tell them to clean the castle in under forty minutes." She spat before leaving the king's office and shutting the door behind her.

The king groaned, "Girls these days..." He shook his head before he continued writing on the paper with his quill. 


Nathan and Philza were sitting across from each other while eating in silence while Mai and Tommy went to hangout somewhere, "So, Nathan," Philza said, breaking the silence between them, "What did you want to talk about?"

Nathan swallowed his food and looked up at the blonde in front of him, "I wanted to talk to you about two visitors that I'm suspicious about."

Philza raised an eyebrow, "And why am I needed for this?" He asked, genuinely confused.

"The visitor's name is Sapnap and he said he was from L'manburg and I don't trust it one bit."

Philza's eyes widened, "C-Can you describe what he looks like?" His voice was shaking, it worried Nathan a bit.

"Yeah, sure, he's tall, has ravenette hair, tan skin, apparently he has a son as well."

"That's Dream's best friend..." Philza said, burying his face in his hands.

Nathan's eyes widened as well. "Dream, as in The King of Dream SMP?!"

"Yes! That's his best friend, Nathan. They've sent so many fucking spies to L'manburg and it didn't turn out to be great. You have to do something about it, quickly!" 


"YOU'RE WHAT?!" Mai shouted as she slammed the king's desk.

A/N: Yes, I'm leaving it on a cliffhanger. I'm sorry for editing this a lot 

A/N: ......

What I wrote: I was at #175 how the fuck?! 

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What I wrote: I was at #175 how the fuck?! 

A/N: I can't believe it! I'm #67 out of 2.9K stories! Thank you so much, I don't know what to say!

9K stories! Thank you so much, I don't know what to say!

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Word count: 700

Edited: ☑️

Hope you have a good morning or night!

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