Chapter twenty: Reunion

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A/N: 500+ reads holy shit?! People are actually reading this piece of shit and putting it in their reading lists. Also, sorry for not updating this story and leaving it a cliffhanger; —even though the ending is pretty predictable— school started when I last updated

It was late at night, cold breezes entered the dark and quiet room of the sorrowful prince who was lying in his bed, his muffled sobs filling the silence around him. He still didn't get over his beloved leaving, and because of that he didn't have any motivation to do anything except for playing sad melodies on his guitar —when he felt like it— and lying in his bed all day and crying into his pillow to muffle his sobs. Karl was desperate to see the ravenette and his son again. He was desperate for the ravenette to kiss him again. He just wanted the ravenette to pull him into his embrace and comfort him like he did when they were sitting on the large mushroom tree. Karl missed those days of love and affection from Sapnap,  "I waited for five whole years to finally feel happiness again, yet only for it to be gone after a month..." The brunette managed to choke out in-between his sobs, "I was happy, but he had to ruin because of his selfishness!" He yelled into his pillow. It's been a month now, and Karl hasn't left his room. He couldn't and wouldn't even try to leave at all; he just wanted Sapnap here with him and nothing else. Karl then remembered Sapnap's words,

"I promise I'll come back, Karl, please be patient." 

Karl sighed, "Anything for you..." He said, sniffling and wiping his tears away. He decided to be patient and wait just as Sapnap requested, "I'll try my best..."


Four months have passed, and still no sign of Sapnap or Noah.

No one came to visit Karl in his room, so he tried distracting himself with his room surroundings, so time could pass quicker. It didn't work for the most part, but it did pass a bit of time. It helped Karl put his mind at ease for a bit. 

Although, it didn't stop him from thinking about the ravenette. He was lying on the cold wooden floor, looking up into the dark ceiling. He thought about the melody the ravenette played when he first got here and how the two people he cared for played them for him before they left. The melody kept playing. Karl shook his head, making the melody stop playing in his head. He turned to his sides, but the melody didn't stop playing. Karl wanted it gone; he didn't want to reminisce his, Sapnap's and Noah's —and his mother's— moments; so he didn't burst out crying and screaming again. He just sat there until the melody stops playing, but then, the unexpected happened; sunlight made its way through the prince's open window. Karl couldn't believe his eyes, "S-Sapnap...?" He said out of utter shock and amusement, "He was playing the melody all along!" Karl quickly got up from the cold, flat wooden door and ran out of his bedroom door.

Karl ran down the hallway to the top of the staircase. He saw a familiar figure at the bottom, his eyes widened when he realized who it was, "Father..?" Karl was in utter shock again. He grabbed on the staircase rail and slowly made his way to the bottom. Karl froze again when he made it to the last step when he noticed his father's expression, he was smiling? "Hello, son, I think there's someone important you would like to meet outside." His father said, his smile slowly fading. Karl nodded, "I know how you feel about this whole situation, I—"

"Oh, no, no! I'm a changed man now, son, I don't mind. I shouldn't have separated you two to begin with, I was selfish, I'm really sorry. I understand if you don't forgive me—" Karl interrupted his father when pulled him in an embrace, "I won't entirely forgive you now, father, but once I truly get to see you've changed I'll forgive you entirely." Karl felt a pair of arms wrap around him, followed by the word: "I understand." They both pulled away and smiled at each other, but Karl remembered Sapnap who was outside. He looked at the large main door and then back at his father. His father nodded at him, and with that, Karl bolted through the door and the gate.

Karl's eyes immediately landed on the town square. There was his beloved, standing there playing his favorite melody. Karl immediately ran to the ravenette, "Sapnap?!" He said before throwing himself on the ravenette, wrapping his legs and arms around his body. Strong arms wrapped around Karl's body. Karl pulled his head from Sapnap's shoulder to look at him, although Karl was immediately pulled into a long, rough kiss. He felt Sapnap pull away and hug him again, "God, how I missed you..." He heard the ravenette say, his hot breath on his neck sent shivers down Karl's spine, "I missed you too, I thought you'd never come back.." Karl said, trailing on his last words while looking down.

Sapnap looked up at Karl and pulled his chin up, forcing Karl to look at him, "I promise I won't leave alone, again." He said, his words were stern.

Karl giggled and rested his head on Sapnap's shoulder, "I'm sure you won't." He said, smiling to himself.

"Daddy! Papa!" They heard a familiar child voice say. They looked down and saw a brown-haired toddler smiling at them, "Daddy! Papa!" He repeated while pointing at the two males hugging. The prince and the ravenette blushed at the word, "Who taught you that, Noah?" Sapnap asked, with a passive-aggressive smile.

Noah pointed at the kingdom gate, where Mai and Punz were standing with their arms crossed while they wore a proud smile across their faces, "Mai and Uncle Punz taught me!" Sapnap put Karl down, "Sweet heart, can you wait here, I have to deal with something—it'll be quick, don't worry!" Karl giggled and nodded in response.


Karl, Sapnap, Noah, Punz, and Mai were playing around in Karl's room when they heard a knock on the door, "Come in!" Karl said before his father entered the room. Sapnap grabbed Noah and wrapped his arms around him, and Punz quickly stood in front of them. Karl's father sighed, "I know you don't trust me, but I really need to talk to Karl and Sapnap. Alone, it's really important." He said. Mai stood up and nodded at Punz. He nodded back and went to grab Noah out of Sapnap's grasp before they left the room.

Sapnap pulled Karl closer to him, keeping a protective arm around him. The king sighed, "Sapnap, I just wanted to apologize for the way I treated you and your son before, and how I separated you and Karl, and for trying to kill you and your son as well. I really regret it. I understand if you don't forgive me..."

Sapnap sighed, "I won't forgive you now, but after I'm completely sure you changed, I'll forgive you." 

The king smiled slightly and nodded, "I hope you have a good day you two." He said before leaving and closing the door behind him. 

A/N: And cut! That's it for this shit chapter, hope you enjoyed!

Word count: 1182

Edited: ❌

Hope you have a good day or night!

Violin Boy - A Karlnap/Sapkarl Royalty AUWhere stories live. Discover now